Thuringia: Hearth on the “Skudal” membership – arrest warrant for arson suspect

Thuringia: Hearth on the “Skudal” membership – arrest warrant for arson suspect

After the fireplace on the “Sgudal” occasion membership on the Gera prepare station, the district courtroom issued an arrest warrant for a 38-year-old man on Monday. Based on the police, the suspect was quickly arrested and brought to jail. The person is thought to the police for varied crimes. There isn’t any incident in “Rubbish” … Read more

After the hit video from Gera: The gang of disgrace

After the hit video from Gera: The gang of disgrace

Die brutale Prügelattacke in Gera schockierte Deutschland! Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen schlug in Gera auf einen wehrlosen Jungen (14) ein, während einer alles filmte. Lesen Sie mit BILDplus Hintergründe über die Bande und was einer der Prügler über die Tat sagt. 2024-06-22 21:23:10 #hit #video #Gera #gang #disgrace

Controversy over Allotment Gardens on Petersberg: City Council Faces Backlash

Controversy over Allotment Gardens on Petersberg: City Council Faces Backlash

Fewer allotment gardens on Petersberg? But another idea from the framework plan is currently causing a lot of excitement. Accordingly, a dozen allotment gardens in the Petersberg complex are to be “polished”. “Not with us,” many a city councilor posted last week. Green City Councilor David Maicher is still holding back: “We are having a … Read more

Motive for Attack in Gera Still Unclear: Recent Updates and Appeals Process

Motive for Attack in Gera Still Unclear: Recent Updates and Appeals Process

The motive for the attack is still unclear The Gera public prosecutor’s office, “Organized Crime” department, brought charges at the beginning of 2018, and the proceedings lasted several months. In May 2019, six men were sentenced to prison and suspended sentences for breach of the peace. The verdict states that the motive for the attack … Read more

Breaking Barriers: Female Entrepreneurs Making Waves in Male-Dominated Industries

Breaking Barriers: Female Entrepreneurs Making Waves in Male-Dominated Industries

Jacqueline Hausotte has carved itself into a male domain. Eight years ago, the Leipzig native founded a stonemasonry business. Now she stands between gravestones and granite blocks, the company dog ​​strolls across the yard. Proportion of women in the start-up sector is 20 percent Hausotte’s stonemasonry business is now the largest in Leipzig. But the … Read more

Foreclosure Rates Remain Low in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt: Experts Not Concerned

Foreclosure Rates Remain Low in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt: Experts Not Concerned

Number the number of foreclosures is still comparatively low A foreclosure usually occurs when owners can no longer pay their loan. Last year, 1,197 applications for compulsory auctions were submitted to the district courts in Saxony, and 847 in Saxony-Anhalt. No figures are yet available from Thuringia. Compared to the previous year, the increase is … Read more

2023: Mibrag Coal Production Drops by 30% – Transition Towards Sustainability

2023: Mibrag Coal Production Drops by 30% – Transition Towards Sustainability

2023: Mibrag produces 30 percent less coal than in the previous year Zimmer climbs the drop down a metal staircase. The wind blows in his face. The conveyor belts whir constantly. But the impression of uniformity is deceptive. In 2022, during the energy crisis, Mibrag produced around 17 million tons of coal. Last year it … Read more

Funding Programs Vital for Construction Industry, Says Federal Construction Minister

Funding Programs Vital for Construction Industry, Says Federal Construction Minister

At Federal Construction Minister Klara Geywitz said on Monday that three construction funding programs are important for the severely weakening construction industry: “Every funding euro triggers orders in the tradesmen’s books and stimulates domestic demand. It is precisely these impulses that we need now.” Managing Director of the Main Association of the German Construction Industry, … Read more

Thuringia Cinemas Experience Increase in Ticket Sales for 2023, Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Thuringia Cinemas Experience Increase in Ticket Sales for 2023, Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

In Thuringia, too, people went to the cinema more often to see “Barbie”, “Oppenheimer” and the like. Around 1.79 million cinema tickets were sold in the Free State in 2023, according to current information from the Film Funding Authority (FFA). That was 16.1 percent more than the year before. In the year before the corona … Read more