Impeachment procedure: US Senate refuses to testify

The US Senate refused to question witnesses in the impeachment proceedings against President Trump in a close vote. The final vote on the allegations should now take place on Wednesday. By Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington It happened the way it had to. A triumph for the Republicans. A defeat for the Democrats. The presiding … Read more

Bottles worth 100,000: Wine cellar looted by DFB president

Saturday February 1st, 2020 – Fritz Keller is not only DFB president, but also a restaurateur. He owns the star restaurant “Schwarzer Adler” in the Kaiserstuhl. Thieves targeted the wine stock and let go of the 100 bottles. DFB President Fritz Keller has once again fallen victim to thieves. In his restaurant “Schwarzer Adler” in … Read more

1. Bundesliga: Hertha zero number against Schalke

Hertha BSC has invested the record sum of 80 million euros in its last-minute transfers this winter and wants to sweep the fans away. With the zero number against Schalke that did not succeed in any way. By Christian Hornung The first half of the opening game of the 20th game day was a festival … Read more

Historic step: Britain has left the EU

The EU is poorer by one member state: Great Britain left the European Union punctually at midnight in Central Europe. Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to make Brexit an “incredible success”. No fireworks, no pomp, no speeches: Great Britain left the European Union punctually at midnight. The official celebrations for the historical moment were kept … Read more

Hertha can’t get past 0: 0 against Schalke – sport

Schalke 04 missed out on a prestigious win at the new rich Hertha from Berlin. The team of coach David Wagner had to be content with a tough 0-0 and threatens to lose in the fight for the Champions League places. The Berliners, who spent around 80 million euros on new transfers alone for new … Read more

20 minutes – Released from custody, although woman threatens killing spree

The Zurich judicial authority has to release a woman from custody who has repeatedly used verbal abuse and severe threats against officials and threatened to kill people. Because the woman wants to undergo voluntary psychiatric treatment, the Federal Supreme Court considers the dismissal, along with other measures, to be justifiable. Between 2015 and 2019, the … Read more

20 minutes – Swiss are flown out of Wuhan

The Chinese city of Wuhan was cordoned off because of the corona virus. Some of the residents were even locked in their homes. Since then, several Swiss have been stuck in the megacity. On Friday morning there was finally a glimmer of hope: “France has given its consent and you can get on the plane … Read more

20 minutes – «The employees don’t just lose their jobs»

Large sale signs have been received by Manor customers in the past few days. The branch on Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse closes forever on Friday. There are gaps on the ground floor, where jewelry otherwise glittered. It is really empty on the upper floors: the men’s department is almost empty. Pallets stand around, the shelves are dismantled, … Read more

After Boateng strike against Goretzka – peace gesture on Instagram

At a training session in Munich on Wednesday, two stars of the German record champions clash – through a provocation. Trainer Hansi Flick has to intervene. Photo series with 20 pictures – Scandal at the training of FC Bayern: As the “Bild” reports, two Munich stars clashed on Wednesday afternoon and had to be separated … Read more

Dynamo Dresden gains first glimmer of hope thanks to Terrazzino

Alois Schwartz (Karlsruhe): “Of course we are very disappointed with the defeat. We defended quite well defensively, but were overall too passive and played too little with the ball. Even if it was a little better after the break, we were in last third just too harmless. “ Markus Kauczinski (Dresden): “At the beginning we … Read more