12 Lower Body Symptoms and Pregnancy Issues That Should Never Be Ignored

12 Lower Body Symptoms and Pregnancy Issues That Should Never Be Ignored

Urine more than 8 times a day, change in urine color… “There’s a reason for everything, so don’t just pass it up.” Entered 2024.02.18 18:10 Entered 2024.02.18 18:10 Modified 2024.02.19 00:46 Views 12,670 Pain during intercourse in women can be caused by too little lubricating fluid, or by injury, inflammation, or infection in the area. … Read more

Diseases Recognized by Voice: Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, Vocal Cord Polyps

Diseases Recognized by Voice: Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, Vocal Cord Polyps

Laryngeal cancer, dysphagia, vocal cord polyps… Diseases recognized by voice Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Views 166 Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Modified 2023.11.02 09:25 Views 166 If laryngeal cancer progresses over a long period of time and invades the vocal cords or paralyzes the vocal cords, voice abnormalities may occur. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]0As the cold and windy fall approaches, … Read more

Surprising Discovery: 14-Year-Old Boy Discovers Dozens of Pearls in Colonoscopy, Sparks Concern for Possible Colon Cancer

Surprising Discovery: 14-Year-Old Boy Discovers Dozens of Pearls in Colonoscopy, Sparks Concern for Possible Colon Cancer

The 14-year-old Sunshine boy suffered from diarrhea for 2 months and was surprised to see “20 pearls” during a colonoscopy. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) Mingming (pseudonym), a junior high school student from Qiandao Lake on the mainland, has excellent academic performance, eats regularly, and loves sports. He won first place in the school running competition. However, … Read more

How AI is Changing the Colorectal Endoscopy Landscape for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer

Under the colorectal endoscope in white light image mode, the AI ​​system can use the blue frame to detect and mark the location of abnormal mucosal protrusions suspected of polyps in real time, reminding the endoscopist for further evaluation. (Photo/Provided by Yadong Hospital) Malignant tumors rank first among the top ten causes of death among … Read more