10 foods to increase muscle mass

Muscle development favors mobility, prevents pain and even paralysis Seeking muscle development is not something that only those who want to look physically better should take care of, it is also a matter of health. Muscles provide strength and endurance to move the body, keeping them helps avoid injuries, slow movements and that the posture … Read more

Lose weight without giving up – how does the diet trend work?

Instead of counting calories, just look at the clock: interval fasting has been booming in Germany for several years. This weight loss method is not about what you eat, but when you eat. Anna Engler likes to grab eggs and bacon when brunching. There can be ten strips of bacon. “I am an absolute connoisseur,” … Read more

What are the foods that provide more fiber to our body?

Believe it or not, legumes They are one of the richest foods in nutrients and fibers, being very healthy to include in a balanced diet. In addition, they reduce cholesterol, prevent colon, breast and lung cancer. – Therefore, Bio Trendies indicates which are the most nutritious legumes and how many fibers each one contains per … Read more

Why is it bad to consume citrus at night?

Citrus fruits are delicious fruits and very rich in vitamin C, but its nutritional components do not necessarily indicate that its consumption always benefits your health. In the following sections you will know why you should not eat any citrus when it is night. Fructose Natursan indicates that consuming citrus fruits at night prevents adequate … Read more

Discover the “Matador” technique to lose weight

The “Matador” technique proposes to alternate weeks of diet with weeks of free feeding The desire for slim down It has generated multiple studies and methods to achieve the desired results. The “Matador” technique It is one of the most recent methods, and perhaps it can stimulate weight loss under certain conditions. What is “Matador”? … Read more