The economic impact of the Covid-19 in three figures

After INSEE, which estimated on March 26 that the shock caused by the coronavirus epidemic would cost France around 3 points of GDP over the year, the OFCE, Sciences-Po’s economic research center, evaluated, Monday, March 30, the impact on activity and employment of the health crisis and the containment measures it imposes. “It’s a shock … Read more

Newsblog Saxony-Anhalt: Saxony-Anhalt against going it alone with Corona contact blocks

06:01 am | First death after corona infection in Mansfeld-Südharz In the district of Mansfeld-Südharz there is a first death in connection with a corona infection. Like the county on communicated to his website, is a 79 year old man who had previously tested positive for the coronavirus. It is not yet known whether the … Read more

coronavirus threatens to destroy Italian health

–Every fifth Italian healthcare provider is infected with COVID-19. And given that 70 percent of doctors are women, we can say that the weaker sex is on the first line of defense of the country from coronavirus infection. This was reported on the United Nations Twitter page. CNN claims that 17 doctors have died in … Read more

At least 1,350 prisoners flee in Brazil after riot over coronavirus measures

Sao Paulo, Brazil. At least 1,350 prisoners escaped this Monday from three prisons in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, the most populous in the country, after a series of riots motivated by the restrictions on visits and temporary departures due to the fight against coronavirusauthorities reported. The Militarized Police (PM) of Sao Paulo it … Read more

Maduro quarantines Caracas and six other states in Venezuela

President Nicolás Maduro announced Sunday that he will isolate the Venezuelan capital and six other neighboring states to stop the spread of the new coronavirus. The number of infected people rose to 17. Starting at 5 am Monday morning, the Venezuelan capital, the central states of La Guaira, Miranda, Cojedes, in addition to the border … Read more

Apple closes all Apple Stores worldwide, except China

Because of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, Apple has decided to close its Apple Store stores around the world, with the exception of China where they reopen. This closure is effective until March 27. ” In our workplaces and in our communities, we must do everything we can to limit the spread of Covid-19. Apple will … Read more

Apple warns of iPhone shortage and declining revenues

When publishing its flamboyant results for the first quarter of its 2020 year shifted (the fourth quarter of 2019), Apple had been very careful about its forecasts for its next quarterly results. The Cupertino group had thus given a wide range of between 63 and 67 billion dollars in revenue. Unheard of with such a … Read more