Nathalie Poza, Goya for Best Supporting Actress for “Rosa’s Wedding”

Malaga, Mar 6 (EFE) .- Nathalie Poza won her second Goya this Saturday, this time as best supporting actress, for her role as Violeta, the independent, confident and triumphant sister of Rosa, the star of “The wedding of Rosa “, by Iciar Bollaín. The actress wanted to dedicate the award to her mother, who has … Read more

Nominated for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ at the 2021 Goya Awards

It is Saturday 6 March the cinema has a special role in Spain. Comes a Goya Gala that has had to reinvent itself due to the health crisis and the measures and restrictions that society is suffering from the pandemic. Therefore, they already advanced it in the presentation, the gala will have a hybrid, telematic … Read more

Transport, the best valued service in Alicante

The issues that are especially valued are the state of cleanliness and conservation of the buses Two of the questions They especially value the state of cleanliness and conservation of the vehicles, with 86% positive opinions. Follow him comfort when traveling, with 64% and access to neighborhoods with 62%. In 30 cities The sample of … Read more

Essarts in Bocage. He won gold in the competition for the best apprentice in France

Holder of a masonry CAP, Charly Guicheteau follows his vocational certificate (BP) training at the BTP-CFA Vendée (Aforbat de La Roche). On a work-study basis in the company Fernandez et fils des Essarts, it was as part of his apprenticeship that he entered the competition for the best apprentice in France. After obtaining the gold … Read more

Na-eun’s “Inappropriate remarks related to Ko Young-wook are composite photos” ‘Happy Me Too’ burst

On the afternoon of July 24, 2019, at the ‘2019 Brand of the Year’ photo wall event held at the Shilla Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, Lee Na-eun of the group April, the winner of the female acting stone category, poses. /Photo = Yonhap News – [아시아경제 최은영 기자] Amidst the controversy over the’bullying rumors’ of … Read more

The advantages of investing in quality companies | Opinion

In the academic world there is a basic financial theory according to which the relationship between profitability and risk is positive, that is, the higher the profitability, the greater the risk, and vice versa. This makes sense in any other area. Difficult (risky) things are usually the ones that bring us the most satisfaction. Getting … Read more

are people with blood type O better able to deal with the virus?

Since the start of the epidemic, scientists have been studying the link between blood group and Covid-19 contamination. A Chinese preliminary study carried out last March already suggested that people with blood type O were less likely to be infected with Covid-19. “All studies converge” Since, several studies seem to confirm this thesis. ” All … Read more

Student at Concarneau, Thibaut is the best apprentice in France in electricity

In October 2020, he obtained the title of best apprentice in Brittany in the electro-technical sector with a score of 18.53. Thibaut Guyon-Jaffre, student of final baccalaureate pro electrotechnics of Lycée Pierre-Guéguin, in Concarneau (Finistère), has just won the national title of best apprentice, during the tests organized on January 29, 2021 in Angers. With … Read more

Mara Prez flies 35 km with a Spanish record and second best world record

Seville, Feb 14 (EFE) .- The Granada-born María Pérez flew this Sunday in the 35-kilometer Spanish Championships marches in Seville and smashed the Spanish record with a time of 2:44:17, nine minutes lower than that of Ainhoa ​​Pinedo since February 2018 and what the second best global brand of all time. The current 20 km … Read more