Lukashenko: There are plans to invade Belarus to divide the Grodno region – Abroad – News

“That’s why they (Western countries) have set a goal to first separate this area – Grodno. It has recently been hoisted Polish flags,” Lukashenko was quoted as saying by the official news agency BelTA. – “Now the homeland is in danger. We cannot joke. Furthermore, it is not a weak force – NATO. That is … Read more

If Belarus breaks up, Grodno should go to Poland

“It is quite obvious that Grodno should go to Poland in the event of the break-up of Belarus. PiS knows it, but is afraid to say” – wrote Sommer on Twitter. In his next entry, the journalist stated that in Belarus “they replace the Tsar with Lenin”. Sommer demands that Prime Minister Morawiecki distances himself … Read more

Vaidere: Russia’s actions make the memory of the victims of totalitarianism more important than ever – in Latvia – News

As Vairts Salmgriezis, a spokesman for Vaider, told LETA, 12 years ago Vaidere and four other foreign thinkers in the EP have achieved that the day of concluding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is officially set as a common day of remembrance for the victims of Stalinism and Nazism throughout Europe. – “It is important that we … Read more

Sprūds: As long as the power structure in Belarus has the support of the President, new presidential elections will not be possible – Society and Politics – News

Analyzing what is happening in Belarus, Sprud stressed that Lukashenko’s confidence in winning the presidential election will not be so easy to change, although he is not aware that he has lost public confidence in it. – “I think Lukashenko is the president of the power structure and, as long as he has the support … Read more

The Belarusian opposition would not prevent Lukashenko from participating in the new elections – Czech Television

According to the opposition website, some employees of state television channels met again on Thursday in Independence Square in Minsk, chanting: “The truth!”. Passing cars honked their support, but the atmosphere was calm. All access to the building of the National State Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Belarus (Belta) is still blocked. However, … Read more

The EU condemns the launch of a criminal case on the establishment of the Belarusian Opposition Council – Abroad – News

“The Coordinating Council, which includes representatives of various sectors of Belarusian society, has approached the authorities with an offer of dialogue, but the authorities have responded with the opening of a criminal case,” EU Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Nabila Masral said in a statement. – “By doing so, the Belarussian authorities have once again resorted to … Read more

Cichanouská from Lithuanian exile called for further strikes. The management of the companies is said to be intimidating the employees – ČT24 – Czech Television

“You scared the dictatorship. He trembles with fear of you, your strength and courage. That is why you are under a lot of pressure and you feel threats, “said Cichanouská in a recording from Lithuania, where she took refuge under pressure from the Belarusian authorities and out of concern for her safety. “Our goals are … Read more

Okamura stole the text from me, the analyst is angry. I just forgot to quote, defends the head of the SPD

A speech by its Deputy Speaker Tomio Okamura (SPD) was also made during Wednesday’s meeting of the Chamber of Deputies on the current aggravated situation in Belarus. He also used a large part of the article by Slovak analyst and politician Eduard Chmelár, who blames the head of the SPD for theft. However, Okamura claims … Read more

Belarussian Ministry of Internal Affairs inspects presidential contender Tsepkalo

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, on behalf of the Prosecutor General’s Office, began a pre-investigation check on “illegal activity” by the candidate for the post of President of Belarus Valery Tsepkalo, said the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Olga Chemodanova. A statement to the supervisor came from a native of … Read more

Around 40 people gather in Riga for the fair presidential election in Belarus

Around 40 people gathered at the Belarusian Embassy in Riga on Monday night in an action for the fair presidential election in Belarus, the LETA agency observed. The hands of those gathered are posters calling for free elections, freedom of expression, and an end to repression. Among the gathered are representatives of the Latvian Ukrainian … Read more