US President Biden Reminds Terrible Impact of Monkeypox Outbreak

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — President United States of America, Joe Bidenreminiscent of the terrible impact of the plague monkey pox which is now reported by a number of countries including the US. Biden asked the public to be aware of the monkeypox outbreak. “That [penyebaran cacar monyet] is appropriate. It’s very worrying, if it spreads, … Read more

Summary of 16th day of Russian attack on Ukraine, Moscow again besieges Kyiv, Putin allows volunteers to take part in war

KYIV, – Russian Invasion ke Ukraine entered the 16th day on Friday (11/3/2022), since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the attack he described as a special military operation on February 24. On the 16th day of the war Russia-This Ukraine, there are various new things happening. For example, Russian troops are reported to be … Read more

Biden Bans Oil and Gas Imports When Russia Is No Longer Speeding

Jakarta – President of the United States (US) Joe Biden responded strongly to the invasion Russia ke Ukraine, most recently, Biden formally ordered a ban on oil and gas imports from Russia. This US move was praised by Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia asserted its invasion of Ukraine does not intend to overthrow the … Read more

Chancellor and US President on Ukraine

– Washington According to US President Joe Biden, a Russian invasion of Ukraine would mean the end of the controversial German-Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. At a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House on Monday, Biden said that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine “there … Read more

Biden Beats Trump in US Presidential Survey

Illustration. Former United States (US) President Donald Trump speaks about gun violence in Bedminster, New Jersey, US, Wednesday (7/7/2021). Surveys show Trump is more popular than US President Joe Biden if the two re-run in the 2024 presidential election. (Source: AP Photo/Seth Wenig) WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.TV – Donald Trump has the potential to beat Joe Biden … Read more

Suddenly Kamala Harris Becomes ‘President of the US’, What’s Up Biden?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – President of the United States (US) Joe Biden suddenly transferred his power to Vice President Kamala Harris, Friday (11/19/2021). This made Kamala the first female ‘acting President’ Saturday (20/11/2021) and working in the West Wing of the White House, the US president’s work unit. Biden even gave Harris a special letter. … Read more

Kamala Harris Serves US President For 1 Hour 25 Minutes

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris holding presidential power for one hour 25 minutes. Joe Biden temporarily transferred power to Harris while he was under anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy. The White House press office said the official letter to Congress declaring a temporary transfer of power was delivered … Read more

We’re Not Done With You!

Washington DC – President of the United States (US) Joe Biden warned Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Khorasan who orchestrated the suicide bombing at Kabul Airport, Afghanistan. Biden said the US would continue to retaliate and fight terrorism. “We will maintain the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and other countries,” Biden said. … Read more

Biden will visit Europe, his first foreign visit since taking office

US President Joe Biden will pay a visit to Europe on Wednesday, his first foreign visit since taking office in January. At the beginning of the visit, Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are scheduled to meet with US soldiers in Suffolk, England. Read more – White House: Biden and Putin arrange a meeting in … Read more

EU summit welcomes guest from America | Europe | DW

The star guest of the video summit this Thursday is certainly the man many EU politicians know from his time as the second man behind US President Barack Obama. Joe Biden, who has now moved up to become President himself, will be connected from Washington at 8:45 p.m. to give a speech on international cooperation … Read more