Examine the info about diabetes in youngsters with IDAI – ANTARA Information

Examine the info about diabetes in youngsters with IDAI – ANTARA Information

ANTARA – Diabetes cannot solely assault adults, but in addition youngsters and youngsters. What’s the motive? Is diabetes brought on by sugary meals and drinks solely? Take a look at the complete response from Indonesian Pediatrician Affiliation (IDAI) Chief Govt Officer Piprim Basarah Yanuarso beneath (Sanya Dinda Susanti / Roy Rosa Bachtiar / Satrio Giri … Read more

The Importance of Folic Acid in Pregnancy: Preventing Stunting and Child Development

The Importance of Folic Acid in Pregnancy: Preventing Stunting and Child Development

Jakarta – Recently, the content of folic acid to prevent stunting suddenly became a topic of conversation after Vice Presidential Candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka ‘slipped his tongue’, aka sprained his tongue. Gibran then apologized and clarified the meaning of ‘sulfuric acid’ which he said previously was folic acid. Apart from these cases, how important is … Read more

The Rise of Mycoplasma Pneumonia in China: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips for Children

The Rise of Mycoplasma Pneumonia in China: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips for Children

Jakarta – The world was again shocked by the spike in pneumonia cases in China from October to November 2023. It is known that this pneumonia attacks many children, so the Chinese government has built special health facilities because cases continue to increase. Gina Noor Djalilah, Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of … Read more

IDAI Urges Analysis of Pediatric Respiratory Infections Data in Indonesia

IDAI Urges Analysis of Pediatric Respiratory Infections Data in Indonesia

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) encourages all health services in Indonesia to analyze patient data related to respiratory tract infections or pneumonia in children. “Hospitals, clinics and health centers in Indonesia need to analyze data on the number of patients/visits and deaths due to respiratory tract infections/pneumonia from time to time, both inpatients, outpatients and … Read more

“Complete Immunization Schedule Recommendations for Children from IDAI – CNN Indonesia”

“Complete Immunization Schedule Recommendations for Children from IDAI – CNN Indonesia”

CNN Indonesia Wednesday, 31 May 2023 12:30 WIB 1. Note, The Latest Complete Immunization Schedule Recommendations from IDAI 2. Influenza Vaccine to Dengue Vaccine Illustration. IDAI updated the complete immunization recommendations for 2023 as a guideline for parents.. (ANTARA FOTO/Rahmad) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) just updated the recommendations immunization complete in 2023. … Read more

The Damaging Effects Of Electric Cigarettes on Respiratory Health, Explained by a Pediatric Pulmonologist in Jakarta

The Damaging Effects Of Electric Cigarettes on Respiratory Health, Explained by a Pediatric Pulmonologist in Jakarta

Jakarta – Some people think that the effects of electric cigarettes are lighter than conventional cigarettes. Even though it’s the same as burning cigarettes, electric cigarettes can also have bad effects on health, including in children who join in using them. Respirology pulmonology sub-specialist pediatrician, Dr. Dimas Dwi Saputro, spA, explained that the use of … Read more

Giving Vaccines to Children Can Reduce the Risk of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

vaccine illustration. ©2015 Merdeka.com/ www.fromquarkstoquasars.com Reporter: Rizky Wahyu Permana Merdeka.com – Giving vaccines can be a way to prevent the emergence of certain diseases or health problems. This also includes dengue hemorrhagic fever or DHF in children. Chairperson of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Immunization Task Force Prof. Dr. dr. Hartono Gunardi, Sp.A(K) recommends giving … Read more

The Doctor Explains the Difference between Dengvaxia and Qdenga DHF Vaccines

The Doctor Explains the Difference between Dengvaxia and Qdenga DHF Vaccines

TEMPO.CO, Bandung – Vaccines that are expected to ward off dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Indonesia are currently still limited. So far, according to a pediatrician at the Central General Hospital, dr. Hasan Sadikin or RSHS BandungDjatnika Setiabudi, there are only two dengue vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). “Everyone must … Read more

RI’s Pediatric Diabetes Cases Soar, Increase 70 Times!

RI’s Pediatric Diabetes Cases Soar, Increase 70 Times!

Jakarta – Muhammad Faizi UKK Child and Adolescent Endocrinology The Indonesian Pediatricians Association (IDAI) revealed that the trend of diabetes cases in children has increased tenfold since 2010. Most cases of children have type 1 diabetes mellitus. “The highest cases of diabetes mellitus are in Finland, the incidence of cases is 37 per 100 thousand. … Read more

Watch out! Cases Increase 32 Times, Indonesia Measles Outbreak

Watch out!  Cases Increase 32 Times, Indonesia Measles Outbreak

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- The Ministry of Health recorded a 32-fold increase in measles cases throughout 2023 to 3,341 total cases that occurred in 223 regencies and cities from 31 provinces in Indonesia. The head of the IDAI Immunization Task Force, Hartono Gunardi, said that the low level of immunization during the pandemic and the easing … Read more