Olaf Scholz Welcomes British Prime Minister for Talks on Migration Policies: Germany’s Reaction to Rwanda Plan

Olaf Scholz Welcomes British Prime Minister for Talks on Migration Policies: Germany’s Reaction to Rwanda Plan

Good morning, dear reader, Olaf Scholz had an unusual visitor yesterday. It has been a few years since the last time a British head of government was received at the Chancellor in Berlin. 2019 was very special Boris Johnson He had only been in office for a month when his first trip abroad took him … Read more

Finance Minister Lindner Offers Closer Economic Relationship to UK Amidst Brexit Trade Hurdles

Finance Minister Lindner Offers Closer Economic Relationship to UK Amidst Brexit Trade Hurdles

Since Brexit, trade on both sides of the English Channel has complained about too much bureaucracy. However, Britain could reduce the hurdles through talks with the EU, says Finance Minister Lindner. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has offered the United Kingdom a closer economic relationship with the EU. “If you want to strengthen your trade … Read more

Record Number of Migrants Crossing the English Channel: Rescue Operations by French and British Ships

Record Number of Migrants Crossing the English Channel: Rescue Operations by French and British Ships

Three French ships, a helicopter, an airplane and two British ships are participating in the rescue operations. Since the counting of migrants crossing the English Channel from France to southeast England in small boats began in 2018, their number has exceeded 100,000, according to official data published on Friday. French authorities have stepped up patrols … Read more

An unsatisfactory divorce | News La Tribuna de Cuenca

An unsatisfactory divorce |  News La Tribuna de Cuenca

It was an eternal divorce process. After a tight majority of the British (almost 52 percent) voted in a referendum in June 2016 in favor of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the negotiating parties took almost five years to reach a Withdrawal Agreement that minimally satisfied both parties. Negotiations were arduous, the deadlines … Read more

A third fewer seats: Brexit will shrink Eurostar trains

A third fewer seats: Brexit will shrink Eurostar trains

A third fewer seats Brexit will shrink Eurostar trains 01/24/2023, 6:45 p.m Brexit also has consequences for rail traffic to Great Britain. The Eurostar trains that travel under the English Channel can no longer run at full capacity. A third of the seats must remain free. The reason is almost banal. After Brexit, the train … Read more

No P&O ferries between Calais and Dover at Easter

No P&O ferries between Calais and Dover at Easter

– Dover Because of the P&O failures, there have been kilometer-long truck traffic jams for days. – (Photo: dpa) – – – – Dover In all likelihood, the ferry operator P&O will not be able to offer any connections on the important route from Dover to Calais at Easter either. Experts had found “a number … Read more

EU: fisheries dispute between Paris and London almost resolved | Europe up to date | D.W.

EU: fisheries dispute between Paris and London almost resolved |  Europe up to date |  D.W.

The fishing conflict between France and Great Britain as a result of “Brexit” is almost resolved after months of negotiations, said the European Union fisheries commissioner in an interview published this Sunday (04.10.2022). “We managed to get most of the licenses that were applied for” by French fishing boat owners who want to work in … Read more

Death in the English Channel. Britain’s discord with the EU grows

Death in the English Channel.  Britain’s discord with the EU grows

The problem of illegal migration across the strait between Great Britain and France has become extremely acute. The incident in the English Channel aggravated the permanent confrontation between France and Great Britain, into which the European Union was also drawn. The “lowest point of relations” between Paris and London, according to Bloomberg’s definition, was the … Read more

In France, fishermen protest over Britain’s refusal of licenses

In France, fishermen protest over Britain’s refusal of licenses

Photo: pixabay.com French fishermen will block ports and a tunnel under the English Channel – – UK refuses to grant fishing licenses to some French ships after Brexit. In France, fishermen intend to block the northern ports and the channel under the English Channel, protest against the actions of the UK – the country does … Read more

Fishing conflict – France to block ports and Channel Tunnel on November 26

Fishing conflict – France to block ports and Channel Tunnel on November 26

Gérard Romiti, president of the French National Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture, announced that fishermen will use vans to block three French ports and trucks traveling through the tunnel on Friday. “Our mobilization tomorrow is a demonstration of our ability to mobilize in the face of the provocative, arrogant and disdainful attitude of the British … Read more