GDP, lower investment and expensive credit, effects of the rate hike | Economy

Although the Colombian economy is responding favorably to the stimuli to return to its growth path and this year could be close to 9.8%, after the worst drop in recent decades in 2020, the specter of inflation has increased fears that next year the fight against this phenomenon carried out by the Banco de la … Read more

Ukraine has promised to “crush” Russia in the Hague

The Hague is considering the case of the seizure of Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait – – The consequences for the Russian side will be “serious and lasting,” the foreign minister said. The consequences of the court hearings in The Hague on the incident in the Kerch Strait will be “serious and lasting” for … Read more

Covid vaccination: booster dose produces mild side effects | International

The people who received booster vaccines against covid-19 after these were authorized (for those with weakened immune systems) they had mostly mild to moderate reactions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from the United States. About 22,191 booster dose recipients were enrolled in a federal monitoring system between Aug. 12, when … Read more

Serbian world. Why Montenegro is on fire

Protests in Montenegro – – The consequences of a seemingly purely religious event in Montenegro will be tangible in the geopolitical scenario in all the Balkans. There are major political unrest in resort Montenegro. All because of a church issue. In 2006, Montenegro left the union with Serbia and became a sovereign state, but its … Read more

Alexadru Rafila calls for ‘decisional paralysis’: More than half of Covid-19 deaths were recorded in 2021 – News by sources

doctor Alexandru Rafila, PSD deputy, states that almost half of the deaths associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Romania were registered after January 1, 2021 and claims that the rulers had a “political and political” approach to managing the situation created of the health crisis. “Why there is no policy of curbing, if you will, growth, … Read more

Greenland stops oil exploration –

Фото: Getty Images Greenland stops oil exploration – – The country has been trying unsuccessfully to become an oil-producing region for half a century. Authorities say the “environmental impact of oil exploration and production is too great.” In Greenland, the government has suspended its oil exploration strategy. About it informs Reuters on Friday 16 July. … Read more

Putin said that the Russian Federation coped with the coronacrisis

Putin announced overcoming the consequences of the pandemic in Russia – – The consequences of the pandemic have been overcome, the economy as a whole has recovered, the Russian president said. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday, July 16, about overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in the country’s economy, writes Interfax. “Russia … Read more

National debt in 2021 will decrease to 55.8% of GDP – NBU

Photo: In 2020, the national debt grew to 60.8% of GDP – – The government intends to maintain a significant budget deficit in order to revive the economy and overcome the consequences of the pandemic. The National Bank of Ukraine expects the country’s public and guaranteed debt to fall to 55.8% of GDP. And … Read more

Doctors’ warning: the post-Covid effects may be more serious than the disease

Those who have been cured of the new coronavirus must carefully treat all the changes that occur in their body. And that’s because the post-Covid effects can sometimes be more serious than the disease. – Doctors say there is a risk of respiratory, heart and kidney problems. But also the appearance of blood clots that … Read more