The largest wind turbine in the world has turned. It is three times higher than the transmitter on Ještěd

The largest wind turbine in the world has turned. It is three times higher than the transmitter on Ještěd Where are the limits of wind turbines? Such a question is raised by a giant windmill being tested in Denmark. The Danes have launched the largest and most powerful wind turbine in the world. The “gigantic” … Read more

A mysterious meteor shower is coming to Earth

Shortly after the new year arrives, a light show can be observed in the night sky. The Quadrantids, one of the three strongest meteor showers of the year, come to visit Earth. The first meteors of the shower have already arrived, but their peak is still ahead, it will occur on the night of Wednesday … Read more

One step closer to a universal flu vaccine

Even with increased global surveillance, it is difficult to predict which flu strain will cause the next flu pandemic. Therein lies the importance of creating a universal vaccine. A new multivalent mRNA vaccine candidate marks another step towards a universal flu vaccine. Claudia Arevalo, of the University of Pennsylvania in the US city of Philadelphia, … Read more