They locate warehouses where they hid used vehicles in attack

MEXICO CITY. The intelligence team at the C5 Command and Control Center managed to locate the warehouses where the hitmen hid the vehicles used in the attack against the Secretary of Citizen Security, Omar García Harfuch. After analyzing dozens of security cameras from Mexico City, the properties were located in the Gustavo A. Madero city … Read more

Omar García Harfuch case. Gabriela died in attack; left 2 orphans

Abraham prays Mexico City / 26.06.2020 14:49:50 The García Gómez family was driving to the National Auditorium, where they have a quesadilla stall, when they realized that a group of armed men on board a van began shooting at the Suburban, where the Secretary of Citizen Security was transported, Omar García Harfuch. One of those … Read more

Mariano, a toucan lost in the streets of Mexico City

In the homes of the Mexican capital it is common to see turtledoves, hummingbirds and on some occasions, pigeons in the wild. They can be seen in the not very numerous trees planted between the sidewalks and also in the public parks. But there is no record of a free toucan in Mexico City. This … Read more

Why did the New Generation Cartel attempt against García Harfuch?

As director in chief of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the now Attorney General of the Republic (FGR), Omar García Harfuch, It dealt several blows to the operational, financial and arms distribution structure of the New Generation Cartel. (CNG). In August 2018, one of his last acts as head of the AIC, in the … Read more

Sheinbaum on assault on teenager

– The capital’s president reported that she is in contact with the family of the assaulted young woman. Photo: screenshot – – MEXICO CITY. The head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, asked the Attorney General of the capital to initiate an investigation to identify and punish the police officers responsible for assaulting a … Read more

Metro to be closed in the Historic Center

– The Semovi reported that, from the start, the closure of these stations will only take place this Sunday. Photo: Dark Quarter – – MEXICO CITY The Metro stations located in the Historic Center of Mexico City they will remain closed this Sunday in order to inhibit the walks and decrease the flow and concentration … Read more

Football: $ 1.7 billion – China is building the world’s largest stadium

Dhe eight-time Chinese football champion Guangzhou Evergrande F.C. has started to build a 100,000-seat stadium. The planned venue will be the largest pure soccer arena in the world and will be completed by the end of 2022, the club said. According to a CNN report from Sunday, the cost of the lotus-shaped stadium is $ … Read more

The death toll in Mexico rises to 233 from Covid-19

MEXICO CITY Until this Friday, April 10, there are already 233 deaths due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, according to health authorities, who detailed that the infections by the pathogen amount to 3,844. It may interest you: Removing quarantine too quickly can lead to ‘fatal flare-up’, WHO alert At a press conference from … Read more

Dies from police coronavirus that worked in Vive Latino

An element of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City that was assigned to the surveillance of the Vive Latin died after he got the COVID-19. The victim, belonging to the Naples sector, was identified as the second police officer Efraín, who according to his relatives, despite receiving medical attention, did not survive the … Read more

This was the moment after the train crash in Metro Tacubaya

MEXICO CITY Videos taken immediately after the clash between trains of the Tacubaya Metro give an account of the emergency that happened on Tuesday night near 23:37. In total 41 people were injured and one died. The head of the Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo went to the scene of the accident and … Read more