Guide to Elda shops that offer home delivery

Guide to Elda shops that offer home delivery

TheElda Town Hallhas prepared a quick guide to shops and establishments that offer home delivery and are available to all citizens as long as thestate of alarmby the coronavirus. The listing includes more than30 postsfrom municipal markets, food stores, prepared food, cleaning products and services that accept orders over the phone and take care of … Read more

Elda joins the mourning for the victims of the coronavirus

Elda joins the mourning for the victims of the coronavirus

The mayor of Elda,Rubén Alfaro, and the spokesmen of the municipal groups of the PSOE,Alba García; of the PP,Francisco Muñoz; of Citizens,Francisco Sánchez; and of United Left,Javier Rivera, they have kept in the morning of this Sunday, at twelve noon, three minutes of silence for the victims of the coronavirus. The councilors have come to … Read more

The National Police imposes 40 sanctions in Elda and Petrer on Thursday morning

The National Police imposes 40 sanctions in Elda and Petrer on Thursday morning

TheElda-Petrer National Policehas risen in the morning thisThursday, March 19a total of40 minutes of sanctionindividualfor breaches of the state of alarm against the coronavirus. In the last two days the fines, which can reach600 euros, exceed the figure of70. And to these we must add those that the Local Police of Elda and Petrer are … Read more

Attention in Vinalop auxiliary offices is referred to health centers

Attention in Vinalop auxiliary offices is referred to health centers

Patient care in theauxiliary officesof the Health Department of Elda (Alto y Medio Vinalopó) is centralized, since this Thursday, March 26, in thebasic area health centerhealth as follows: – Auxiliary clinics of Beneixama, Campo de Mirra and Cañada, in BIAR HEALTH CENTER – Auxiliary Clinic of La Algueña, in CENTRO DE SALUD DE PINOSO – … Read more

An accident on the A-31 collapses the highway heading Alicante-Madrid in Novelda

An accident on the A-31 collapses the highway heading Alicante-Madrid in Novelda

A new accident in theA-31the has collapsed dual carriagewaytowards Alicante-Madridfor more than five hours. The incident occurred at 5.17 pm on Tuesday between kilometer points 209 and 210, just on the rise located before reaching the Salinetas baths, at the end ofNoveldaand a few meters from the end ofPetrer.Thetwo conductorshave been slightly injured and transferred … Read more

Coronavirus in Sax | They mourn officially for the victims of the virus

Coronavirus in Sax | They mourn officially for the victims of the virus

Saxwill keep theofficial mourningby the victims of Covid-19 until the Alarm State decreed by the Government of Spain is lifted. The measure adopted by decree by Mayor Laura Estevan aims to testify therespect, pain and solidarityto all the deceased, relatives and loved ones who have been hit by the terrible pandemic. Starting todayflagsof the Sax … Read more

The Commonwealth of Vinalop pays € 600,000 in fines for the contamination of the Elda treatment plant

The Commonwealth of Vinalop pays € 600,000 in fines for the contamination of the Elda treatment plant

Representatives of the Popular Party of the municipalities that make up theIntermunicipal Association of the Vinalopó Valley(Elda, Petrer, Monovar and Sax) have appeared this morning together with the regional deputy spokesman for the Environment,Elisa Diaz, to demand from President Irene Navarro aurgent meetingto address the problems and irregularities of thewater treatment plantthat provides service to … Read more

Monvar’s Holy Week incorporates children’s pregn to its program of events

Monvar’s Holy Week incorporates children’s pregn to its program of events

TheMonóvar Eastercontinues taking its first steps after the presentation of the magazine “Cruz de Guía, which took place on February 23rd. This coming weekend, theJunta Mayor de Cofradíashas scheduled in collaboration with the Department of Culture, for Saturday (day 14), the celebration of the firstChildren’s Proclamation of Holy Weekmonovera, in the parish church of San … Read more

Coronavirus in Elda | Red Cross increases attention to 140 families due to health emergency

Coronavirus in Elda | Red Cross increases attention to 140 families due to health emergency

Elda Red Crosshas significantly increased itsattentionssince the beginning of the health crisis inCovid-19. At 40familiesthat were already attended, 100 more derivatives are added by the area ofSocial servicesof the Elda City Council, with whom we work closely to provide the bestcoverage. As indicated by the head of Institutional Relations of the Elda Red Cross,Gustavo López, … Read more

Moved and in solidarity with immigrants … and councilor for Vox in Elda

Moved and in solidarity with immigrants … and councilor for Vox in Elda

He shares it with Enzo Trepiccione, an Italian artist with a partisan soul. The councilor of Vox in Elda, José Francisco Mateos, does not want to be insensitive or indifferent to the drama of theimmigration, which is turning the Mediterranean into a cemetery for those seeking a better life in Europe. Mateos, flaunting his creative … Read more