4th Senior Policy Conference of the DGB Saxony: Resolution against age discrimination passed

4th Senior Policy Conference of the DGB Saxony: Resolution against age discrimination passed

On October 1st, the International Day of Older People, around 90 guests met in the Old Crane Factory in Naunhof near Leipzig for the 4th Senior Citizens’ Policy Conference of the DGB Saxony. The conference focused on the topic of age discrimination, which was examined scientifically and discussed with experts. The participants adopted key demands … Read more

7 percent more money and 170 euros for trainees are feasible :: IG Metall District Mitte

7 percent more money and 170 euros for trainees are feasible :: IG Metall District Mitte

12.09.2024 | Weimar – In the first collective bargaining negotiations with employers in the metal and electrical industry in Thuringia, IG Metall justified its demand for 7 percent more money and the demand to increase training allowances by 170 euros for 12 months. Around 100 employees from association-affiliated companies made it clear in front of … Read more

DGB Munich at the Isarinselfest 2024

DGB Munich at the Isarinselfest 2024

The Munich trade unions will be presenting themselves on Friday and Saturday in Steinsdorfstrasse. For us unions, “Isar for everyone” always means “good work for everyone” – so that everyone can really join in the celebrations. This year we are asking ourselves the questions: What needs to happen so that the trains are on time … Read more

Still 39,000 fewer trainees than before Corona

Still 39,000 fewer trainees than before Corona

Despite the lack of and inadequate training places, the positive outweighs the negative: “Dual training remains a successful model,” said DGB youth secretary Kristof Becker, summarizing the trade union federation’s latest training report. Almost 70 percent of the apprentices surveyed are satisfied with their vocational training. This is especially true for industrial mechanics and clerks, … Read more

Attack on DGB stand in Dresden: Flyer distributor has to go to hospital

Attack on DGB stand in Dresden: Flyer distributor has to go to hospital

In Dresden, three men beat a 23-year-old so badly that he had to be hospitalized. Saxony’s Minister of Justice warns of a return to the “baseball bat years.” LEIPZIG taz | Three men beat a 23-year-old information stand attendant for the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) so badly that he had to be treated in … Read more

Lower Saxony Civil Servants to Receive Salary Increase in April

Lower Saxony Civil Servants to Receive Salary Increase in April

Hanover – Lower Saxony’s civil servants get more money. The salary is expected to be increased in April. The collective agreement for state employees should then also be transferred to state and local civil servants, candidates and pensioners. Finance Minister Gerald Heere (Greens) and the unions have agreed on this. The wage increase is 5.5 … Read more

DGB NRW Calls for Paradigm Shift in Financial Policy to Address State’s Infrastructure and Services Shortage

DGB NRW Calls for Paradigm Shift in Financial Policy to Address State’s Infrastructure and Services Shortage

On the occasion of today’s hearing on the NRW state budget for 2024, Anja Weber, chairwoman of the DGB NRW, is calling for a paradigm shift in financial policy: “North Rhine-Westphalia is increasingly living off its substance: Broken roads and railways, dilapidated schools, too few daycare places, a lack of living space and underfunded hospitals … Read more

Trigger Points: Exploring Social Divisions in Germany

Trigger Points: Exploring Social Divisions in Germany

Is Germany developing into a divided society? A Berlin research team has examined the “trigger points”, those particularly controversial hot topics and central conflict lines of inequality that promote polarization. Thomas Gesterkamp spoke to the sociologist Steffen Mau, one of the authors involved. Steffen Mau, born in 1968, is professor of macrosociology at Berlin’s Humboldt … Read more

Study Reveals Huge Investment Backlog Impacts Regional Competitiveness and Job Creation in North Rhine-Westphalia

Study Reveals Huge Investment Backlog Impacts Regional Competitiveness and Job Creation in North Rhine-Westphalia

The “huge investment backlog” is at the expense of regional competitiveness and the establishment of new jobs. Sep 14, 2023 | As of September 14, 2023, 12:47 p.m Düsseldorf (dpa). Broken roads and bridges, dilapidated schools, underfunded hospitals, lack of housing and climate protection: According to a study commissioned by the German Federation of Trade … Read more