World’s First Study Reveals Space Travel Causes Anemia – The world’s first study reveals that travel outer space turned out to have an effect on reducing the number of red blood cells. This condition is known as anemia outer space. Citing Phys, Sunday (16/1/2022) the conclusion was obtained after researchers conducted an analysis of 14 astronaut. “Anemia Outer space has consistently been … Read more

Expert: Anemia in Children Cannot Be Underestimated

Anemia in children is a chronic health problem. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Handling Covid-19 is still a priority for public health policies, both in Indonesia and at the global level. However, other health problems, especially children’s health, should not be ignored. Founder and Chairman of the Health Collaborative Center, Ray Wagiu Basrowi, said that one of … Read more

Vitamin C Deficiency and Its Consequences

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Vitamin C It is called one of the most important nutrients for healthy body function. Apart from being responsible for the proper formation of collagen in the body, collagen is also important for bone development, blood vessel health, and wound healing. That is why vitamin C deficiency can lead to many diseases, … Read more

Prospective Mothers with Anemia Have Great Potential to Give Birth to Stunting Babies

Ida added that in preventing stunting, in addition to paying attention to vitamin D intake, laboratory examinations also needed to be carried out to detect nutritional deficiencies from the time of pregnant women. “Such as routine hematology, anemia screening, signs of infection, confirmation of anemia, ferritin levels, iron levels, TIBC and Vitamin D examinations,” he … Read more

Positive Covid-19 Delta Variant, John Martin Experiences Symptoms Like Anemia

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Presenter John Martin exposed to the Delta variant of Covid-19 since a week ago. The man who likes to equate himself with Korean actors experiences various symptoms ranging from fever, headache, cough, to runny nose. “Characteristics of Cha Eun Woo’s version of Covid Delta! On Friday the body wasn’t feeling well, a bit … Read more

Lack of Eating Vegetables and Fruits Make You Less Nutrient, Beware of Anemia Lurking

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Deficiency nutrition in adolescence will affect daily life in learning and activities. In fact, the long-term impact on the lifetime and future generations. Director of Public Nutrition, Ministry of Health, RI, Dr. Dhian P. Dipo, said that efforts to prevent anemia are closely related to the intake of food consumed every day. … Read more

Driveless: winter or metabolism?

news by Ilse Romahn (16.02.2021) The winter darkness often leads to a feeling of listlessness; the winter temperatures cause goose bumps. Sometimes, however, it is not the time of year that is behind the symptoms, but physical causes such as hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland or anemia lead to the symptoms. – Blood tests … Read more

Don’t take it lightly, these are the 5 dangers of anemia

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Anemia is a condition in which you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. Anemia can be temporary or long term (chronic). In many cases, anemia does not usually cause serious complications. However, anemia that is left untreated can also be life-threatening. Red blood cells carry … Read more

Health: The initiative to detect “anemia, obesity and stunting” targets 14 million school students

The Ministry of Health and Population confirmed that the initiative for early detection of “anemia, obesity and stunting” diseases for elementary school students aims to examine 14 million students in the primary stage of Egyptians and non-Egyptians residing in Egypt.. The Ministry of Health and Population said that the initiative continues to work until the … Read more