Bill Gates gave advice to youth

Фото: Getty Images Bill Gates gave advice to nineteen year olds – – When asked what advice he would give to nineteen-year-olds, Gates recommended worrying more about climate change. Microsoft founder and richest man on the planet Bill Gates in a conversation with platform users Reddit advised young people to pay more attention to the … Read more

From New York to New Delhi, the electronic cigarette worries

Usually presented as a preferable alternative to cigarettes, vaping today raises many questions. Particularly in the United States, where more and more voices are raised against the success of flavored electronic cigarettes among young people, including minors. Seven deaths, which seem to be linked to these new practices, increase the pressure on the authorities. Measures … Read more

SCB cooperates with FWD to help ease the burden of customers in the COVID era, launching “OPD, worth it, complete, worry”

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Siam Commercial Bank Cooperate with FWD Life Insurance Open the newest hostage “OPD is all worth it. Help to alleviate the cost of illness Responding to the needs of customers in the COVID-19 era, highlighting serious illnesses, light illnesses, all packages paid End every concern of customers When hospitalized, both outpatient … Read more

Teenager killed, four injured in Bordeaux shooting, worried about “escalation”

A 16-year-old teenager was killed and four men, including three young people, injured on Saturday night in a working-class district of Bordeaux, during an automatic gun shooting that could be linked to inter-city rivalries, a worrying mark according to the town hall of a local “escalation” of armed crime. At around 10.50 p.m., a group … Read more

Giant black hole disappears from radar and worries NASA

It should logically be in a galaxy located at the heart of the Abell 2261 cluster of galaxies, 2.7 billion light years from Earth. Yet no trace of this supermassive black hole was not found by astronomers during their research. Scientists report this situation in a study published in AAS Journal and relayed Thursday, December … Read more

Europe increasingly worried …

Just hours after receiving the first doses of the Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine from the American pharmaceutical giant, Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica began their vaccination campaign without delay. “I’m a little nervous, but very happy. It’s the best gift we could receive in 2020! This will give me more security and courage to continue … Read more

Worry about re-proliferation in China… “Vaccination from high-risk workers”

Corona 19 infection, which occurred sporadically in Heilongjiang and Sichuan provinces, also occurred in the capital Beijing. Two people who had contact with a confirmed person from Hong Kong were confirmed. As fears of reproliferation grew, the Chinese government decided to vaccinate high-risk workers with their own vaccine before official approval. These include imported frozen … Read more

Headless professor. These radical Islamist movements which worry the services of

The possible involvement of radical Islamist movements in the beheading, Friday, October 16, of a history teacher in the Yvelines by an 18-year-old Chechen Russian raises the concern of the intelligence services and the government. The presence of the radical Islamist activist Abdelhakim Sefrioui among the eleven people held in police custody as part of … Read more

Close Gotts captive in fear! What’s up with Dominic?

She did not arrive at the baptism of the title, which she wrote in collaboration with a well-known Czech journalist. According to, shortly after Dominika did not arrive, she began to gossip among the participants about whether she had fallen into alcohol again. Many people have shown great concern for the eldest daughter of … Read more

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Worrying? This is the initial way to solve it for children and adults

“Some struggle with it, while some develop because of a lack of pressure from schools,” said Prof. Cathy Creswell, professor of clinical developmental psychology at the University of Oxford. Survey of children and parents during the first month lockdown in the UK found increased feelings of unhappiness, anxiety and low mood among primary school children … Read more