Berlin: Mysterious black rings within the sky

Berlin: Mysterious black rings within the sky

Berlin – [–>Was war das denn bitte am Mittwochabend im Norden Berlins? Gleich mehrere schwarze Ringe waren am Himmel über der Hauptstadt zu sehen. Auch im Internet wird gerätselt: von Aliens, über Vogelschwärme bis hin zur neuen Ringbahn. Mal mehr mal weniger ernst gemeinte Vorschläge für die mysteriöse Himmelserscheinung gab es viele. Bei Instagram kursieren … Read more

Scientists Reveal Signs Planets Could Be Alien Habitats – CNN Indonesia Article

Scientists Reveal Signs Planets Could Be Alien Habitats – CNN Indonesia Article

CNN Indonesia Monday, 19 Feb 2024 08:59 IWST 1. Scientists Reveal Signs Planets Could Be Alien Habitats 2. Map of the Road of Life Illustration. Study reveals signs of the presence of water on other planets. (Photo: web screenshot) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — A recent study revealed that a low carbon atmosphere could be … Read more

“Shuke Beta Penta UFO” Animated Film Premiere: Zheng Yuanjie Praises Adaptation as More Up-to-Date Than Original Work

“Shuke Beta Penta UFO” Animated Film Premiere: Zheng Yuanjie Praises Adaptation as More Up-to-Date Than Original Work

Original title: The animated film “Shuke Beta Penta-UFO” premieres. Zheng Yuanjie praises that the adaptation is more up-to-date than the original work. Sohu Entertainment News (Haimai/Wen Masen/Photo) On December 23, the animated film “Shuke Beta Pentagram” premiered in Beijing. Director Zheng Yaqi and original author Zheng Yuanjie attended the post-screening meeting to communicate with the … Read more

Using military training as a good start for winter training, the national flying saucer shooting team strengthens their spirit and work style-Sports-China Engineering Network

Using military training as a good start for winter training, the national flying saucer shooting team strengthens their spirit and work style-Sports-China Engineering Network

Original title: Using military training as a good start for winter training, the national flying saucer shooting team strengthens their spirit and style “Take a break, stand at attention, count, and salute…” Following the instructor’s instructions, on November 28, the National UFO Shooting Team concluded an eight-day military training at the Sichuan Land Sports School … Read more

Chinese Shooting Team Dominates Hangzhou Asian Games with 16 Gold Medals: Multi-directional UFO Shatters World Record

Hangzhou Asian Games original title: Shooting Comprehensive: Multi-directional UFO broke the world record and the Chinese shooting team finished with 16 gold medals Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, October 1 (Reporters Lin Deren and Zheng Mengyu) The shooting event of the Hangzhou Asian Games entered the last competition day on the 1st. The multi-directional flying saucer … Read more

NASA to Release Long-Awaited Findings on Unexplained Flying Objects (UFOs) in Earth’s Sky

NASA to Release Long-Awaited Findings on Unexplained Flying Objects (UFOs) in Earth’s Sky

Jakarta – NASA will release long-awaited research findings regarding unexplained flying objects (UFO) in Earth’s sky. The NASA report will be released on Thursday (14/9) local time. Previously, the space agency United States of America The company announced last year that it was reviewing evidence of an unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP) – which replaced the … Read more

Pakar Klaim NASA Pernah Bunuh Alien di Mars 47 Tahun Lalu

Pakar Klaim NASA Pernah Bunuh Alien di Mars 47 Tahun Lalu

CNN Indonesia Friday, 08 Sep 2023 09:54 IWST Illustration. Scientists from Germany claim that NASA killed aliens on the planet Mars 50 years ago. (Photo: iStockphoto/Cobalt88) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Moment of existence alien is still controversial, one scientist claims that the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) once killed extraterrestrials on Planet Mars … Read more

NASA Scientists Believe in Alien Life on Venus: CNN Indonesia

NASA Scientists Believe in Alien Life on Venus: CNN Indonesia

CNN Indonesia Sunday, 27 Aug 2023 07:54 WIB NASA students believe there are aliens on the Planet Venus. (via REUTERS/NASA) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Despite the conditions Venus so hot up to 475 degrees Celsius with a toxic acidic atmosphere that could kill humans outright, scientists at the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe life … Read more

Voyager 2 Successfully Communicates with Earth After Losing Contact

Voyager 2 Successfully Communicates with Earth After Losing Contact

CNN Indonesia Saturday, 05 Aug 2023 07:30 WIB Voyager 2 finally communicated smoothly. ( web screenshot) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Spaceship Voyager 2 finally able to communicate smoothly with Earth having previously only sent a weak signal after losing contact. “Can you hear me now?” tweeted the Voyager Twitter account in a statement on its … Read more

Celebrities Who Believe in Extraterrestrial Life

Celebrities Who Believe in Extraterrestrial Life

The existence of extraterrestrial life is a subject that can be viewed from a variety of points of view. Funnily enough, this very topic is very popular among celebrities. More than a few have spoken out about their belief in life on other planets. For example, did you know that Rihanna claims to have seen … Read more