The importance of the territory in the vote: the case of Vox | Spain

Not all votes count the same. It has been said many times that some provinces offer “cheap” seats, because they are obtained with fewer votes. But the distribution can also provoke other carambolas, such as that thousands of votes in Alicante or Cádiz are irrelevant (if no deputy moves) and that a single vote in … Read more

After the controversy over the disinfectant, Donald Trump no longer wants to “waste his time” by

The american president Donald trump tweeted Saturday that his daily press briefings on the pandemic again coronavirus didn’t deserve his time, two days after he sparked a worldwide controversy by seeming to consider treating the disease with a disinfectant. “What is the point of having press conferences at the White House when the Media Oriented … Read more

10N Elections: The CIS attributes Vox a strong setback against what other polls predict | Spain

If the CIS forecasts are fulfilled, Vox will be severely beaten on November 10. Not only will his representation in Congress not increase, as most of the polls published in recent days (which attribute him over 30 seats; around 12% of the votes) predict, but he will see it cut substantially. The macrosondeo of the … Read more

Easy home exercises to lose weight in quarantine

The confinement that hundreds of millions of people around the world are forced to follow because of the coronavirus is causing several side effects, but two are very evident: on the one hand, streets and roads are empty due to the lack of activity; and on the other people increase their sedentary lifestyle for the … Read more

The 40 largest listed in Latin America lose almost 80,000 million capitalization in a week | Economy

In economic jargon, a black swan is that event that nobody has on their road map but that, when it arrives, converts all forecasts into wet paper. 2020 already has its own: Wuhan’s coronavirus, which has crossed China’s borders and is being virulently primed on financial markets around the world. And Latin America, where the … Read more

Las Vegas: Bernie Sanders’ electoral machinery among Latinos drives him in Nevada primaries | U.S

Elections in Nevada are won by the cry of “yes, you can.” It is not a nod to Latinos. It is not a phrase that the candidate can release at the end of a speech in English as an anecdote. Connecting with the Spanish-speaking population is the very essence of any viable electoral campaign in … Read more