Dropbox bug causes Airdrop to stop working

Due to changes in the Mac OS, Dropbox is rolling out an update to its Mac application that makes major changes to how the application works under the surface. For example, the Dropbox folder itself is moved from your home folder (or any other location) to ~/Library/CloudStorage. This is not a problem for most people, … Read more

Bloomberg: Apple switches to its own micro-led displays – may take ten years

According to several rumors, the 2024 or 2025 Apple Watch Ultra could be the first to feature an Apple-designed micro-LED display. After that, Apple’s product series such as iPhone, iPad and Mac can also be equipped with the new screen technology, according to Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman in his newsletter Power On during Sunday. According … Read more

Vulnerable driver allowed cybercriminals to bypass Windows security

Security company Crowdstrike writing now that the cybercriminal gang Scattered Spiders’ activity is exploiting an old vulnerability (CVE-2015-2291) in MITRE’s CVE program to inject its own malicious drivers into the Intel Ethernet Diagnostics Driver for Windows (iqvw64.sys). This could allow the attackers to overload the system and or run arbitrary code with kernel privileges in … Read more

The “design flaw” is alleged to be capable of damaging the Playstation 5 while standing

A hardware repairer in France is now claiming on social media that a ‘design flaw’ in the Playstation 5 could cause permanent damage to the console when placed upright, reports Wccftech. Playstation 5 is designed and marketed to be positioned both vertically and horizontally. The problem is said to be that the liquid metal used … Read more