Saint-Denis: distribution of 200 meals to the homeless

This Sunday, August 15, the Coup de Pouce association of Thierry Tirel organized a distribution of meals for the homeless. The association and the volunteers carried out a maraud in the Camellias and in the city center. A “helping hand” for the homeless of St Denis. Volunteers of association distributed more than 200 meals this … Read more

Silk scarves and million dollar necklace: Frank Ocean goes luxury with his brand Homer

While waiting for a third album, Frank Ocean launched his independent luxury brand, Homer. For the Super Rich Kids And the others. – Frank Ocean unveiled this Friday his brand new project, titled Homer. Unfortunately for the singer’s fans Channel Orange, who are waiting for the successor of Blonde, his second album, in five years, … Read more

University of Reunion: committed to rapid publication of the results of the first year health competition

Since the new reform of health studies, two systems have coexisted: PACES (the first common year for health studies), and the creation of PASS / LAS (Specific Health Access Course / Health Access License). This cohabitation resulted in a delay in the publication of the results of the first year of health competition. The University … Read more

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry, two tourists (almost) like the others in Venice

Gondolas, pizza, the Bridge of Sighs … nothing is missing. Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry’s romantic getaway to Italy looks like a postcard. Both have indeed unveiled, on their respective Instagram accounts, pictures of their stay in Venice. – Parents of a little Daisy Dove since August 2020, Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry have decided … Read more

Marseille: the Mediterranean IHU of Professor Didier Raoult raided –

Since this morning, the police have searched the IHU Méditerranée in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) by Professor Didier Raoult. According to France Blue Provence, the Mediterranean IHU of Marseille, led by the teacher Didier Raoult, has been the subject of a search this Monday since 9:30 a.m. About ten officials are involved in this police intervention. According … Read more

Sunday work: shops authorized to open until the end of June in around 40 departments –

Forty French departments have authorized work on Sundays for shops, until the end of June. The objective being to make up for the losses due to the last confinement. “38 were applicable from the weekend of May 30” Following the instructions of the Minister of Labor Élisabeth Borne on May 10, the relevant ministry indicates … Read more

Charlotte Gainsbourg: “I mourned my father very badly”

We run into her in the street, near the meeting place. A thin black figure (pants, jacket, T-shirt) tries without result to push forward a tiny white dog. At the end of the leash, Rita, a 2 month old baby bull terrier, newcomer to Charlotte Gainsbourg’s life. They took half an hour to travel a … Read more

What if the clothes of the future got bigger with us?

In the fashion sector, seaweed promises an avalanche of innovations. Among them, that of “living” clothing which is able to adapt to variations in the body. And to regenerate as if by a miracle. – Imagine that jeans that have become too tight adapts to your new shapes, that a t-shirt with holes regenerates itself … Read more

Prince Harry and Orlando Bloom team up in Montecito paparazzi hunt

Settled in California since July 2020, Prince Harry has found in Orlando Bloom a compassionate neighbor. The Duke of Sussex and the actor, whose properties are neighboring in their Montecito neighborhood, warn each other of photographers lurking around. – Prince Harry spoke about his new life in California on the “Armchair Expert” podcast on Thursday, … Read more

Dengue fever: death of a 12-year-old child carrying the virus

LINFO.RE – created on 05.17.2021 at 7:03 p.m. – updated on 05.17.2021 at 7:03 p.m. – Sophie Fontaine – DR WikiImages – Reunion Branch – – The Regional Health Agency today confirms the death on Friday of a 12-year-old child who carried the dengue virus. Investigations are underway to determine if the death is attributable … Read more