The Increasing Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment Options

polycystic ovary syndrome. It is one of the common diseases that occur in women of childbearing age, and it is a disease in which multiple small cysts occur in the ovaries due to hormonal imbalance. The typical symptom is abnormal menstruation, which is not menstrual or skips several months. In addition, hirsutism and acne may … Read more

How Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Diabetes Form a Vicious Cycle and Increase the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes (hyperglycemia) are chronic diseases that threaten vascular health. According to statistics, the estimated prevalence of hypertension among adults in their 20s and older in Korea is about 12.6 million, 11,558,000 adult hyperlipidemia patients, and 10 million diabetes patients, including pre-diabetic patients. Just looking at the statistics, it deserves to be called … Read more

“Massive Rail Strike in Hesse Expected to Cause Major Disruptions”

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Due to a large-scale warning strike, hardly any trains are expected to run in Hesse on Monday either. A railway spokeswoman in Frankfurt was initially unable to say on Friday which trains and lines will be specifically affected. “In principle, we only know that when the strike begins. Of course, we also … Read more

The Health Benefits of Chewing: Lowering Blood Sugar and Reducing the Risk of Dementia

Chewing movement refers to a masticatory movement that engages the upper and lower teeth by moving the temporomandibular joint and facial muscles. Mastication movement is an important motion that not only chews food thoroughly to ensure good digestion, but also has a very important effect on the health of the whole body, including the human … Read more

“The Health Benefits and Proper Preparation of Spring Shoots: A Guide by Clinical Nutritionists”

This is a corner that points out foods or foods that cause hot issues that are good to eat at this time.Clinical nutritionists introduce the nutrition and efficacy of foods, how to choose, how to store, and how to eat. In spring, there are many vegetables that smell good. Dalrae, naengi, and mugwort are representative … Read more

Preventing Digital Dementia: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle in a Digital World

Digital devices are indispensable in the daily life of modern people. This series was planned to ‘log out’ from various diseases caused by digital devices and media. We deliver fruitful information to keep you healthy in a daily life obsessed with digital devices. For modern people, various digital devices such as smartphones and computers are … Read more

Verdi Union Calls for 48-Hour Strike of Buses and Trams in Bremen

Bremen (dpa / lni) – With a warning strike, the Verdi union wants to paralyze buses and trams of the Bremen transport company BSAG for 48 hours from Tuesday (from 3 a.m.). According to its own statements, Bremer Strassenbahn AG is not planning an emergency timetable. “We are on strike,” says the company’s website. According … Read more

Botox for Trapezius Muscle: Effects and Precautions

When you keep your neck and shoulders in a slouched posture, there are muscles that get together well when you are stressed. It is the ‘trapezius muscle’. When the trapezius muscles get together, shoulder pain and headaches appear, as well as aesthetic problems such as a short neck. In order to reduce the trapezius muscle, … Read more

Indulge in the Addictive Strawberry-Chocolate Version of the New York Roll by Norbert Tarayre in XXL format!

You too have given in to the tendency of New York Roll ? This round croissant usually filled with pastry cream and topped with a generous topping is all the rage in Manhattan. Because we don’t all have the opportunity to take off for the USA, the chief Norbert Tarayre brings it back just for … Read more

Understanding Thyroid Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Haidak Medical Reporter Lee Lee-hoㅣSource: Haidak The thyroid gland is a small endocrine organ located in the center of the neck and is responsible for regulating the body’s metabolism. Thyroid dysfunction means too much or too little of a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. These dysfunctions are accompanied by a variety of symptoms that … Read more