Covid, the pandemic is over. At Sant’Anna only 17 hospitalized

The pandemic seems to have vanished, in the Como area the cases are continuously decreasing, the hospital registers few new admissions and the patients hospitalized in the last month have decreased from 46 to 17. The virus no longer causes serious damage. “Compared to two years ago and also compared to last year, the situation … Read more

Abuse and violence against psychiatric patients, 15 arrests in Foggia – Puglia

Fifteen people, including health workers, nurses and auxiliaries were arrested and as many were followed by precautionary measures (staying obligation and prohibition of approaching the victims) with charges of mistreatment e sexual abuse against 25 psychiatric patients hospitalized in the Don Uva health and social facility in Foggia. The investigation, coordinated by the Foggia prosecutor’s … Read more

The US expects the number of influenza cases to pass 25 million.

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday (Jan. It is estimated that the United States At least 25 million cases, 270,000 hospitalizations and 17,000 deaths have been reported from influenza this season, according to the center. More than 6,300 people have been hospitalized for influenza in … Read more

France applauds this nice gesture by Mbappé during his trip to New York

01/06/2023 at 20:44 CET The French star paid a visit to Noah, a young fan suffering from the rare Adams Oliver disease The young man has been undergoing specific treatments since 2021, but his battle is still far from over Few things are as exciting as fulfilling the dream of meeting your idol, and Noah … Read more

Watch… “a specialist” reveals the symptoms of a stroke… and explains the “golden hour” to save the patient

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Executive Vice President of Medical Services at Hail Health Cluster Dr. Khalil Al-Shammari explained the symptoms of a stroke. He said during an interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel, “Strokes are divided into two parts, namely the ischemic section and the hemorrhagic section.” in the hospital during the golden hour, which is 3 to 4.5 … Read more

Preparing for the technological environment after the COVID-19 era / Nakarin Tienprateep

A few years ago, our lives were heavily tied to technology. The past COVID crisis brought changes to the business. and increase access to technology in various forms to respond to situations in a timely manner Another problem that the COVID crisis has caused economic problems. The IMF also predicts that by mid-2023 there is … Read more

Tension outside the Veliko Tarnovo hospital over the death of a young man

Tension in front of the Veliko Tarnovo hospital. The reason: the death of a 31-year-old man. His relatives doubt medical malpractice. What is the position of doctors? The name of the dead man is Dimitar Marinov. His relatives and friends gathered outside the hospital to ask the doctors for answers. Their main doubt and concern … Read more

5 o’clock news – Hospitals under tension: “The situation is starting to get complicated” in Saint-Cloud

In one of the corners of the crowded waiting room, Mathias decided to sit up with difficulty, hunched over with a stomach ache. He tried to contact a doctor, but without success: “The attending physician was not available until February 8. I found one in Boulogne-Billancourt who asked me to take exams. I called on … Read more

Plastic-Coated Hospital Beds For HIV Patients On Social Media, Experts: No Need

Loading… Health expert at Griffith University Australia Dr Dicky Budiman said the act of lining beds with plastic for HIV patients is an exaggeration. Photo/Doc.MPI JAKARTA – Information is currently circulating on Twitter that a hospital is considered discriminatory no HIV . This is because the patient’s operating bed is covered in plastic. Twitter account … Read more