COVID-19 Symptoms: Coughing & Prevention Tips for Cough Relief – Jakarta

COVID-19 Symptoms: Coughing & Prevention Tips for Cough Relief – Jakarta, Jakarta – There are three main symptoms that can appear in patients COVID-19, namely coughing, high fever and shortness of breath. This makes the symptoms of someone exposed to the corona virus similar to the common cold, only accompanied by shortness of breath, which can be fatal. Both the common cold and COVID-19 Both … Read more

Get to know the Hantavirus that emerged in China and its differences from the Corona Virus

Get to know the Hantavirus that emerged in China and its differences from the Corona Virus

Before the world community had finished fighting COVID-19, Hantavirus had caused one man in China to die on March 23 2020. The man was a bus passenger whose name was not revealed, and came from Yunna province. He was on a work trip to Shandong. “He tested positive for #hantavirus. 32 other passengers also underwent … Read more

Benefits of Garlic to Increase Body Immunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Benefits of Garlic to Increase Body Immunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Garlic, which is now grown worldwide, is thought to have originated in Central Asia and was one of the first plants to be cultivated by humans (Kemper, 2000). Garlic contains useful pharmacological substances including 33 sulfur compounds, several enzymes, 17 amino acids, and minerals such as selenium (Singh and Singh, 2008). Santosa (1988) stated that … Read more

Risma Angry when she Finds Cash Social Assistance in Tangerang Circumcised by Rp 50 Thousand

Risma Angry when she Finds Cash Social Assistance in Tangerang Circumcised by Rp 50 Thousand

“I guarantee you will get it again tomorrow, he (PKH assistant) may not be a ‘seller’ again tomorrow, but I can guarantee you will get it again. not I feel sorry for me, I’m trying hard for them to suspect I’m playing, I don’t pick anything up. Mom, if you can cut it, ask for … Read more

Update 11 Red Zones and 8 Regions that Do not Have Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia, Which? The all page

Update 11 Red Zones and 8 Regions that Do not Have Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia, Which?  The all page – The spread of corona virus cases globally is still happening. Launch data worldometers until Sunday (18/4/2021) morning, coronavirus case globally reaching 141 million. Meanwhile, there were 1,599,763 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia until Saturday (17/4/2021). Also read: Government Free Covid-19 Vaccine, Why Is It Given Through Injections? 1.4 million cases recovered were … Read more

Corona Recovery Rate in West Kalimantan Reaches 90 Percent

Corona Recovery Rate in West Kalimantan Reaches 90 Percent

53 new confirmed cases include 5 people from Pontianak City, 5 people from Singkawang, 4 people from Kapuas Hulu District, 1 person from Kayong Utara, 20 people from Ketapang, 3 people from Kubu Raya, 5 people from Mempawah, 1 person from Sambas , 2 people from Sekadau, 2 people from Sanggau, 3 people from Bengkayang, … Read more

Positive cases of COVID-19 in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, began to decline

Positive cases of COVID-19 in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, began to decline

So if accumulated, the number of Morowali residents who have been confirmed positive from January to March is 1,106 people. There are 108 active people. Where each was treated in the isolation room of the Morowali Regional General Hospital (RSUD) 1 person, 1 person was isolated from the Undata Hospital Palu, and the rest were … Read more

CORONA UPDATE March 10, 2021: 8 Countries with the Most Corona Cases | WHO prohibition on Covid-19 “Vaccine Passport” Page all

CORONA UPDATE March 10, 2021: 8 Countries with the Most Corona Cases |  WHO prohibition on Covid-19 “Vaccine Passport” Page all – Spread corona virus globally, it still continues to increase day by day. Launch data from the page Worldometers, Until Wednesday (10/3/2021) morning, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the world were 118,125,509 (118 million). Of these, as many as 93,815,130 (93 million) patients have recovered, and 2,620,424 people have died. There are … Read more

Ministry of Health Called Corona UK Transmitted Faster but Not Increased in Severity

Ministry of Health Called Corona UK Transmitted Faster but Not Increased in Severity

Several studies in other countries show the corona virus from the UK or B.1.1.7 is more rapidly transmitted. However, the speed of transmission of the virus mutation did not cause the disease to worsen. So that the public continues to be asked to be more vigilant and disciplined in implementing health protocols and the success … Read more

January 16, World Corona Update: 94 Million Cases

January 16, World Corona Update: 94 Million Cases – Spread corona virus in the world is still increasing day by day. Launch data Worldometers, until Saturday (16/1/2021) morning, total cases Covid-19 in the world there are 94,235,212 (94 million) confirmed cases. Of these, 67,290,722 (67 million) patients recovered, and 2,015,946 people died. Up to now, there are 24,928,544 active cases with details … Read more