Planet Overload Day is this Saturday. And there is a plan to end it | Coronavirus

The day when the planet used all the natural resources that the Earth could renew for this year marks this Saturday, three weeks later than what happened last year, but the apparent good news is not so positive, because what This change was caused by the pandemic and not any structural change in the way … Read more

Siberia is plagued by heat waves. According to experts, this can affect the weather in our country as well!

Cloudless skies, temperatures exceeding thirty degrees Celsius and crystal clear water enticing to swim. But what looks like a perfect summer day is a nightmare for the world. Russian Siberia is experiencing unusually hot days and temperature records are falling in the areas beyond the Arctic Circle. “Although the city of Verkhoyansk is known as … Read more

The 6 most common mistakes when washing – climate protection

Washing the laundry is part of everyday life for almost all Austrians. This saves energy – and thus money – when washing. The environment is also protected. More than 70 percent of Austrians do their laundry two to three times a week. 12 percent are particularly thorough and even use their washing machine every day. … Read more

Schwetzingen Castle Garden announces climate emergency | Mannheim

The trees in the Schwetzingen palace gardens are in great danger. Climate change is to blame, the administration says. That is why she is now calling out an emergency as an alarm signal. Castle garden administration announces climate emergency Climate emergency in the Schwetzingen palace garden: According to experts, the tree population is under acute … Read more

Chancellor Angela Merkel officially inaugurates the “Klima-Arena” in Sinsheim | Mannheim

The new multimedia “Klima-Arena” in Sinsheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) was inaugurated on Monday. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) explained why Germany has a duty when it comes to climate. Duration 2:30 min Broadcast date Mon, 7/10/2019 Airtime 19:30 o’clock Channel SWR television BW – Learn to understand climate change in a playful and multimedia way In the new … Read more

Jeff Bezos, coronavirus and good fortune

There are all the bosses of the world, big and small, worried about the cash flow and the sustainability of the company in the face of the recession. And then there is Jeff Bezos. The founder of Amazon has seen his personal fortune skyrocket over the past month. Estimated by Bloomberg at 105 billion dollars … Read more

Bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef is at its highest point

Brisbane, Australia. An aerial assessment of the Great Barrier Reef revealed that coral bleaching extends across eastern Australia for the third time in five years. Bleaching has impacted all three regions of the world’s largest coral system and is more extensive than at any other point in its history, scientists from James Cook University in … Read more

Lights out for the climate: “Earth Hour” despite corona pandemic – Austria –

29.03.2020 00:46 (Act. 29.03.2020 00:46) – – – Brandenburg Gate during WWF action “Earth Hour” © APA (dpa) – – – Despite worldwide restrictions due to the corona virus, the global climate protection campaign “Earth Hour” took place on Saturday. It all started with New Zealand, Fiji and Australia, where the lights went out for … Read more

At 19, Naomi is the anti-Greta. Your word already runs the world

A year ago, a 16-year-old Swedish environmentalist challenged world leaders to take urgent action to save the planet, during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. At this point, Greta Thunberg was far from imagining what her name would represent: the voice of all those who want to dedicate themselves to fighting for … Read more