District Heating Crisis: Real Estate Associations Sound Alarm for Robert Habeck’s Energy Transition Plan

District Heating Crisis: Real Estate Associations Sound Alarm for Robert Habeck’s Energy Transition Plan

By: Jan W. Schäfer Robert Habeck (54, Green Party)’s energy transition problems are not going away. Now nine real estate associations are sounding the district heating alarm! In a letter to Habeck (available exclusively from BILD), they make it clear: The district heating rules from Habeck’s Ministry of Economic Affairs urgently need to be revised. … Read more

How Comedy Can Connect People to Climate Change: Insights from Scientist and Comedian Collaboration

It’s easier to convey the catastrophe while laughing Scientists can judge, analyze and explain the world. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us are listening. People involved in communicating climate change repeatedly say that we need a mix of sober (and often bleak) science and more personal or hopeful narratives. Maybe even a laugh … Read more

Federal Ministry of Construction Launches New Construction Funding: Climate-Friendly Building Program Extended

Federal Ministry of Construction Launches New Construction Funding: Climate-Friendly Building Program Extended

In 2023, the Federal Ministry of Construction launched new construction funding with which the federal government supports both climate-friendly construction and the creation of home ownership. The “Climate-Friendly New Building” funding program was so well received that it was extended at the end of May 2023 888 million euros increased has. Around two billion euros … Read more

Tpoefswfsn÷hfo Lmjnbtdivu{: Cfsmjo nbdiu gýog Njmmjbsefo Fvsp Tdivmefo gýs Lmjnbtdivu{

Tpoefswfsn÷hfo Lmjnbtdivu{: Cfsmjo nbdiu gýog Njmmjbsefo Fvsp Tdivmefo gýs Lmjnbtdivu{

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The Moral Decline of Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer: A Bitter Betrayal of the Climate Protection Movement

The Moral Decline of Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer: A Bitter Betrayal of the Climate Protection Movement

Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer were the dream team of the climate protection movement. They roused millions of children and young people to fight for a supposedly better world. Became role models for an entire generation. Greta’s moral decline is all the more bitter. In the language of Islamists and conspiracy theorists (“martyrs”, “Western media … Read more

Offenbach City Council’s Major Photovoltaic Project to Combat Climate Change

Offenbach City Council’s Major Photovoltaic Project to Combat Climate Change

As many buildings as possible owned by the city should be equipped with a photovoltaic system as quickly as possible. The Offenbach city council gave this order to the magistrate last year. In order to be able to quickly implement this major project, Mayor Felix Schwenke (SPD) commissioned Stadtwerke Holding to develop an appropriate structure. … Read more

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Environmental Hypocrisy: Seven Car Convoy Controversy

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Environmental Hypocrisy: Seven Car Convoy Controversy

12.10.2023 12:31 | Monitoring Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are attracting attention again. And upheaval. Already because of the alleged environmental hypocrisy, which the British Express wrote about. And he was not alone, nor did other media spare the American-British couple. In New York, seven cars drove around one block. Both are calling … Read more

Germany’s UN Delegation Faces Disappointment as Climate Message Goes Unheard

Germany’s UN Delegation Faces Disappointment as Climate Message Goes Unheard

Germany is flying with a huge delegation to the UN General Assembly in New York, promoting traffic light projects and going on a diplomatic environmental offensive – but no one is listening. Embarrassing: Two German state secretaries give a press conference in English so that the world press can record their message, like that WELT … Read more

13th Global Climate Strike: Thousands take to the streets in Germany and worldwide for climate action

13th Global Climate Strike: Thousands take to the streets in Germany and worldwide for climate action

Things had recently become quiet around Fridays for Future. The nerve potential of the climate glue of the last generation group was and is too high. They have settled in Berlin again since Wednesday and want to stay permanently – on Monday again with street blockades and sticking campaigns. On Friday they will be taking … Read more