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How to Manage Cholesterol on a Vegetarian Diet: Importance of Overall Diet Management

Overall diet management is more important than cholesterol vegetarian diet.

Entered 2024.03.10 21:48 Entered 2024.03.10 21:48 Views 93

Cakes, bread, biscuits, etc., as well as palm oil among vegetable cooking oils, also raise cholesterol levels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]# Mr. Kim, a vegetarian in his 30s, was surprised to be informed that he needed to manage his cholesterol during a recent health checkup. I never imagined that my cholesterol level would be high because I am still young, have a relatively slim physique, and have only been a vegetarian for 6 months.

Usually, if total cholesterol exceeds 230 mg/dL or triglyceride exceeds 200 mg/dL, hyperlipidemia is considered. However, if, like Mr. Kim, you eat only vegetarian food and are told that you need to manage your cholesterol, you may be surprised. We often think that cholesterol goes up when we eat fat or meat, but surprisingly, cholesterol can be a problem even for people like Kim who enjoy a vegetarian and carbohydrate-based diet.

Why vegetarians also develop hyperlipidemia

Why does cholesterol go up even if you don’t eat meat? This is because cholesterol can rise when you consume foods high in saturated fatty acids. Typically, confectionery products are high in saturated fatty acids. For example, cakes, bread, biscuits, etc., as well as palm oil among vegetable cooking oils, also raise cholesterol levels.

This applies to women who enjoy sweet foods while avoiding meat. In this case, HDL cholesterol levels may be low due to insufficient fat and high carbohydrate intake. For this reason, rather than not eating meat at all, it is better to eat mainly lean meat and reduce snacks such as cookies and bread.

The breakdown of cholesterol also has an effect. The liver is the only place in the body that breaks down cholesterol. If cholesterol is not broken down well in the liver or is not absorbed into the liver, cholesterol levels do not decompose and the level increases. At this time, disease occurs, which may occur in the case of hypothyroidism or menopause, or may occur if there is a genetic defect in the LDL receptor.

Overall diet management is more important than vegetarianism

Being overweight increases bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lowers good cholesterol levels. Therefore, you must consistently manage your weight through appropriate exercise. In addition, it is important to consume a variety of nutrients and consume appropriate calories.

Blue-backed fish, olive oil, and nuts, which contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, help lower bad cholesterol, but avoid eating a lot of these foods as they also contain a large amount of fat.

Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber also help lower bad cholesterol levels. If you want a snack, we recommend consuming complex sugars found in unrefined grains or beans rather than simple sugars found in candy, chocolate, bread, and cakes. It goes without saying, but abstinence from drinking is essential. Alcohol should be avoided as it increases neutral fat.

Pay attention to how food is cooked. Boiling and steaming the same food instead of frying and baking reduces fat intake. When eating soup, it is best to remove the fat condensed on the top and remove the fat from meat before eating.

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2024-03-10 12:48:34

#dont #eat #meat #vegetarian #but.. #hyperlipidemia

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