Arestovich explained why the Russian army slowed down near Izyum

Arestovich explained why the Russian army slowed down near Izyum

Photo: Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Head of the President’s Office. – – During the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced somewhat in the north of the Kharkiv region and liberated several settlements. The Russian military has significantly slowed down its advance towards Izyum in the Kharkiv region. About it reported Aleksey Arestovich, … Read more

The oil embargo against Russia will be phased, it is planned to introduce it next week

The oil embargo against Russia will be phased, it is planned to introduce it next week

EU countries are preparing a phased embargo on Russian oil. The introduction of a ban on the phasing out of supplies from Russia is expected to be announced next week. – According to sources of the publication, as a result of difficult negotiations, the EU countries managed to overcome differences regarding the embargo on Russian … Read more

Putin accepted invitation to attend G20 summit in Indonesia – Bloomberg – UNIAN

Putin accepted invitation to attend G20 summit in Indonesia – Bloomberg – UNIAN

However, it is not yet known whether the Russian president will personally attend the meeting of states in Bali. Putin accepted an invitation to attend the G20 summit in Indonesia / photo REUTERS – President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin accepted Indonesia’s invitation to the G20 summit. However, it is not yet known if he … Read more

Analysts of The Economist assessed how “rotten” the Russian army is – UNIAN

Analysts of The Economist assessed how “rotten” the Russian army is – UNIAN

Humiliation in Ukraine destroys Russia’s latest claim to superpower status, the article says. How much “rotten” the Russian army / photo UNIAN (Alexander Sinitsa) – Power modern Russian army was supposed to show the whole world that its president, Vladimir Putin, returned his country to its former greatness after the collapse of the USSR. However, … Read more

President of Azerbaijan openly declared support for Ukraine – UNIAN

President of Azerbaijan openly declared support for Ukraine – UNIAN

At the same time, he does not deny good relations with Russia. photo Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed support for territorial integrity Ukraine. Writes about it Interfax-Azerbaijan. “We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, like other countries, and we openly declare this, we do not hide behind a tree. Yes, we do not deny … Read more

Renault is said to be definitively ending in Russia. He will leave the factories and the Lada brand to Moscow for a single ruble

Renault is said to be definitively ending in Russia.  He will leave the factories and the Lada brand to Moscow for a single ruble

The French group Renault has placed a lot of hope and also a lot of money in the cooperation between its brands Dacia and Lada. The traditional Russian carmaker was to help each other kick again. But now it seems that Renault will leave AvtoVAZ and with it Lada to the Russian state only for … Read more

Putin’s demands put pressure on European unity: already ten gas companies want to give in, von der Leyen puts dots on the i

Putin’s demands put pressure on European unity: already ten gas companies want to give in, von der Leyen puts dots on the i

– – There are cracks in the European front. At least ten European gas companies from Italy to Hungary are planning to pay Russian gas in rubles, just as Putin demands. Four have already made such payments. A violation of the sanctions, says European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. But can that just happen? … Read more

The Guardian believes that the decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May – UNIAN

The Guardian believes that the decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May – UNIAN

Journalists noted that today the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not capable of launching a large-scale counteroffensive. The decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May / photo from the Facebook of the General Staff – The turning point of the war in Ukraine will occur next month, after the last wave … Read more

Hungary will pay in rubles for Russian gas, as there is no other alternative

Hungary will pay in rubles for Russian gas, as there is no other alternative

Siyoto stated that there were no alternative sources or routes that would allow Hungary to suspend imports of Russian energy resources for the next few years. The payment scheme introduced by Moscow stipulates that Western countries will have to open ruble accounts with the Russian bank Gazprombank. In turn, the bank will sell foreign currency … Read more

Russians entrenched near Taurida, advancing on Izyum – UNIAN

Russians entrenched near Taurida, advancing on Izyum – UNIAN

The Russians entrenched themselves near Tauride. Russia is advancing in the Donbas / photo REUTERS – The Russians are stepping up the pace of the offensive operation. In almost all directions, they have an intense fire effect. The greatest activity is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk directions. This is stated in the summary of the … Read more