Home » today » World » The Guardian believes that the decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May – UNIAN

The Guardian believes that the decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May – UNIAN

Journalists noted that today the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not capable of launching a large-scale counteroffensive.


The decisive period of the war in Ukraine will come in May / photo from the Facebook of the General Staff

The turning point of the war in Ukraine will occur next month, after the last wave arrives in the country. Western weaponsincluding American howitzers coupled with German and British anti-aircraft installations.

Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are “not nearly capable” of counterattacks and the return of their occupied territories. About it writes British edition of The Guardian.

Journalists noted that the war in Ukraine has stalled. The Russian offensive in the Donbas is not fully successful and is just beginning to develop without any signs of a major breakthrough. The failures of the Russian troops in the east are attributed by journalists to the unfavorable weather in the region, the strong resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the problems of the Russian command and control.

At the same time, Ukrainian forces are not yet able to launch a large-scale counteroffensive and are waiting for weapons from the West. At the same time, if military assistance is not enough to change the military balance, “the question will arise of what other obligations the United States, Great Britain and other NATO members are ready to take on.”

The publication also believes that Putin’s nuclear threats are intended to intimidate, but there remains an insurmountable risk that the Russian president will escalate further if he feels threatened.

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Earlier it was reported that Germany approved the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine to protect against the backdrop of a full-scale Russian invasion. This decision was preceded by an hour-long debate.

On the eve of the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba announced the transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to NATO weapons. Ukraine has entered a qualitative, fundamentally new phase, which no one even dreamed of, the diplomat said.

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