Five Signs in the Eyes That Show Health Problems

Signs in the eye can be a symptom of high cholesterol or hypertension. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Blurred vision, sometimes often associated with conditions eye tired because lack of sleep or too long staring at your gadget screen. Diabetic patients are often associated with blurred vision due to high sugar levels. However, it can also be … Read more

New study: Climate change affects brain health

NewsBulukumba – Because, climate change not only affects the condition of the earth, but also human health. A recent study concluded an increase in ambient temperature make it worse brain health and nerve or neurological. Hospitalization for patients is getting higher. Likewise with death rate worldwide. Also Read: Spiderman fans must watch out for this … Read more

Realize the Implications of Diabetes from Head, Intimate Organs, to Feet

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – International Diabetes The Federation or IDF estimates that there are at least 463 million people aged 20 to 79 years in the world who suffer from diabetes in 2019. And Indonesia ranks seventh with 10.7 million people with diabetes. Internal Medicine Specialist from Premier Bintaro Hospital, Rendy Suherman said, diabetes is divided into … Read more

The Danger of High Cholesterol at the Age of 50, Not Only Causes Stroke

loading… High cholesterol at the age of 50 can cause a number of serious health problems. Worse, the dangers of high cholesterol not only cause stroke. Photo/Eat This. JAKARTA – High cholesterol at the age of 50 years can cause a number of health problems are you serious. Worse, it’s dangerous cholesterol height doesn’t just … Read more

Assange suffers stroke during trial in London – media

Photo: Reuters (archive) Julian Assange – – As a result of the attack, the defendant’s right eyelid is lowered, memory problems and signs of neurological damage are observed. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suffered a stroke while speaking via video link at the London High Court. About this on Sunday, December 12, reported the Daily Mail … Read more

Two Things That Increase Stroke Risk in 1 Hour

Instant stroke without much warning in advance. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Santi Sopia Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability globally. These conditions can occur instantly without much warning beforehand. But experts say that when stroke really happened, it’s actually not without cause. Certain activities can significantly increase risk of stroke even in just a … Read more

Beware of Complicated Diseases Due to High Cholesterol, Can Be Deadly

High cholesterol can cause complications such as stroke, high blood pressure and heart attack. This condition can cause death. Photo/Omega Via. JAKARTA – High cholesterol can cause some disease complications such as stroke , high blood pressure until heart attack . This condition cannot be ignored because it can cause death. In all cases, the … Read more

5 Most Dangerous and Deadly Diseases in the World, Heart and Stroke Dominate, Early Prevention Starts Now

PRIANGANTIMURNEWS – Often not a few people underestimate disease inside the body. Even though there are a lot of symptoms that are not recognized as a start disease that dangerous. Maintaining a healthy body condition is not easy, sometimes disease came unexpectedly. Also Read: Oknum Guru Ngaji di Padang Sodomi Murid Ngajinya, Aksi Bejatna Menelan … Read more

These are the 8 deadliest diseases in the world today

NewsBulukumba – The kind of ‘friend’ closest to human civilization on the planet is disease. Starting from the cranky category to disease turn off has been classified neatly in the health sciences, including the world of medicine. There are several in between disease–disease Unwittingly, many people find and suffer from it. Also Read: Have you … Read more

Beware of 5 Deadly Diseases in the World That Can Attack You, Prevent them Before they get worse – Although often taken for granted at first, there are a number of disease the deadliest to watch out for. Because, disease–disease Unwittingly, many people around you find and suffer. Quoted from the Healthline page, Sunday 21 November 2021, the following disease the deadliest to watch out for. 1. Ischemic Heart Disease or Coronary … Read more