Our president, for example, will speak Russian. What will Putin speak? / GORDON

“Everything is possible in life. The main thing is that our president has a desire, he has repeatedly emphasized this. We will wait for a signal from the other side. Until we hear it. But this meeting is too complicated from all points of view. It seems to me so, although I may be wrong, … Read more

It is already necessary to take by the balls the close circle of Putin / GORDON

“When Putin does not observe elementary norms of behavior, then you just need to complicate his position even more. Sometimes, in order to force the enemy to do something, you need to inflict more pain on him. And the international community does not. This is not about the path of war. so that no one … Read more

The resistance forces of the Afghan province of Panjshir announced the defeat of the Taliban

“At least a thousand terrorists were trapped because of the checkpoints, all the attackers fled,” Dashti said. An NSF spokesman claims the Taliban suffered heavy casualties in killed, wounded and captured, many of whom were from Pakistan. # * # * * * * # * * * * . * ‌ * * * … Read more

EU calls for talks with Taliban

EU wants talks with Taliban – – Improving relations with the new authorities in Kabul should not be considered, according to Borrell, the recognition of the militant government. The European Union needs to start negotiations with the Taliban terrorist movement, which has seized power in Afghanistan. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said this … Read more

Zelensky presented to the head of Apple the project Action City

Photo: twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa Tim Cook and Vladimir Zelensky – – The Ukrainian leader expressed interest in further expanding Apple’s presence in Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during a meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook on Thursday, September 2, told the interlocutor about the achievements of the domestic IT sector, reported press service of the head of the … Read more

The Kremlin said that a meeting between Putin and Zelensky this year is hardly possible

He noted that “neither side rejects the possibility of such communication.” But on the line between the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Administration of the President of Russia, “the parties are far from agreeing on a specific agenda for such a possible meeting,” the Kremlin speaker added. Peskov “does not think” that … Read more

Taliban leader arrives in Afghanistan

Photo: ariananews.af Haybatullah Akhundzada arrived in Afghanistan – – The Taliban leader meets with other leaders about the situation in Afghanistan and the formation of the future political system. Taliban leader Mullah Haybatullah Akhundzada arrived in Afghanistan today, August 29, and holds meetings with other Taliban leaders. It is reported by Ariana News. It is … Read more

Zelensky asked Erdogan for help

Photo: Press Service of the President of Ukraine Zelensky asks Erdogan to help Russia release more than 100 Crimean political prisoners – – The communication between the two leaders took place at the initiative of the Turkish side, the Office of the President of Ukraine specified. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, during a telephone conversation … Read more

Putin in telephone conversation with Macron said about “destructive actions of Kiev” – Kremlin

The press service of Putin said that the presidents discussed the situation in Afghanistan, the Iranian nuclear program, the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh, taking place in Africa and the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, which the Kremlin continues to call “internal Ukrainian”. “An exchange of views was held on the issues of resolving the internal Ukrainian … Read more

The German government has announced the program of Merkel’s visit to Kiev. She will receive an order and will talk about the Minsk agreements

According to the program of the visit, first Merkel will lay flowers at the Memorial of Eternal Glory at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will present her with the Order of Freedom – the highest state award, which celebrate Ukrainians and foreigners for outstanding and special services … Read more