Cuba’s umpteenth negotiation with the Paris Club for non-payments, while luxury hotels multiply

Cuba’s umpteenth negotiation with the Paris Club for non-payments, while luxury hotels multiply

The future of debt 4,827 million Cuban dollars with its Paris Club creditors is being played today in Havana. According to the official press, William Roos, co-president of the institution, proposed establishing a new calendar in accordance with Cuba’s ability to pay after exposing that “there is understanding towards the difficulties that the island is … Read more

Cubans seeking asylum in Germany multiply by eight in the first semester

Cubans seeking asylum in Germany multiply by eight in the first semester

(EFE).- The number of Cubans seeking asylum in Germany multiplied by eight during the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2022, from 73 to 607, according to the newspaper Bild. “The number of asylum applications from Cuban nationals this year, as of July 2, 2023, has risen compared to the … Read more

Transportation, field, post … Why strikes are on the increase in the United kingdom

Transportation, field, post … Why strikes are on the increase in the United kingdom

The port of Felixstowe has been on strike because Sunday 21 August. The to start with given that 1989. Somewhere around 4 million containers go by here just about every calendar year. A nerve middle for all British logistics. The transfer, voted on for eight days, could direct to source disruptions for supermarkets. Dock staff … Read more

Venezuela: Demonstrations multiply for purchasing power

Venezuela: Demonstrations multiply for purchasing power

Umpteenth demonstration against the backdrop of the endless economic crisis in Venezuela. To the sound of pounding pots and pans, several hundred Venezuelans marched on August 2 on a “walk of empty pots” through the streets of Caracas. Led by public sector unions, teachers, nurses and retirees marched past the Ministry of Labor. They demand … Read more

In Vietnam, condemnations multiply against opponents of the regime

In Vietnam, condemnations multiply against opponents of the regime

Busy end of the year in Vietnamese courts. In three separate cases, four activists were sentenced to terms ranging from six to ten years in prison. Their main point in common? Criticizing the one-party “democracy” of the Communist regime in Hanoi. This one points to 175e place (out of 180) in the Reporters Without Borders … Read more

In Norman hospitals, verbal and physical violence against patients is on the increase

In Norman hospitals, verbal and physical violence against patients is on the increase

Posted on 02/14/2021 at 08:45 AM Health. Verbal and physical violence against health workers is not new, but is on the increase. The management of the hospitals of Le Havre and Rouen have signed agreements to facilitate the prevention and fight against this violence. Difficult to quantify the violence perpetrated against caregivers. For several years, … Read more

VIDEO. Coronavirus: operating on a patient with Covid is multiplying the risk of death

This study, published very early this Saturday, May 30, 2020 in the reference journal The Lancet, is likely to be talked about a lot. It was initiated by the CovidSurg group, which is made up of international surgeons whose goal is to conduct large-scale studies to improve surgical practices worldwide says Dr. Alexis Arnaud, visceral … Read more

Coronavirus. The concern of workers in slaughterhouses where cases are increasing

Coronavirus. The concern of workers in slaughterhouses where cases are increasing

The Regional Health Agency (ARS) Brittany announced on Sunday May 17, 2020 that the number of Covid positive people in the Kermené slaughterhouse in Côtes-d’Armor, a subsidiary of the Leclerc group, has now reached 69 cases. These people are isolated at home and followed up. After a first patient, detected on Wednesday, then five other … Read more

Coronavirus. Head, toes, lungs, kidneys… the symptoms multiply, know them

Coronavirus. Head, toes, lungs, kidneys… the symptoms multiply, know them

Of the head to the toes, passing through the lungs and even the kidneys: every week, the list of symptoms caused by the new coronavirus lengthens and few organs seem to be spared by this disease, the forms of which vary from mild to severe. In the space of three months, what had started as … Read more

Diarrhea, loss of smell, swollen toes … symptoms of Covid-19 are increasing

Diarrhea, loss of smell, swollen toes … symptoms of Covid-19 are increasing

In the space of three months, what started as a classic flu has turned into a catalog of syndromes which in their most severe forms can trigger these now famous “cytokine storms”, a runaway of the immune reaction which can cause death. It is not uncommon for a virus to cause so many manifestations, but … Read more