Florida reports 10,000 new infections in one day

FILE PHOTO: A general view of the South Beach as beaches are reopened with restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Miami Beach, Florida, U.S., June 10, 2020. REUTERS/Marco Bello Washington (Reuters) – The coronavirus is still on the rise in the US. In Florida alone, more than 10,000 new cases … Read more

Corona deaths in Argentina exceed ten thousand

Reuters Journalists Minutes to read 1 — A man with a muzzle walks in the center of Buenos Aires on August 4, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Agustin McCarrian BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – The Argentine government said the country’s total coronavirus deaths exceeded 10,000 on Monday, as the South American country struggles to control its infection … Read more

Another hospital visit by Japan PM Abe stokes health worries

TOKYO (Reuters) – A motorcade carrying Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe entered a Tokyo hospital on Monday again stoking concerns about his ability to continue as leader due to health issues and fatigue from handling the coronavirus crisis. – FILE PHOTO: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks at a news conference in Tokyo, Japan June … Read more

UK government health advisers say missing school is greater risk to kids than COVID

LONDON (Reuters) – The chief medical officers of the United Kingdom have said children should return to school after the summer holidays, warning that missing out on their education posed much bigger risks to them than catching COVID-19. – FILE PHOTO: A child gestures in a classroom at Watlington Primary School during the last day … Read more

Kremlin critic Navalny will survive ‘poison attack’, Bizilj says

MOSCOW/FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who fell gravely ill on Thursday after what his allies believe was a poisoning, will survive, the founder of the activist group that sent the air ambulance to fly him to Germany, told a newspaper. – FILE PHOTO: Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny takes part in a rally … Read more

Kremlin critic Navalny was under police surveillance before falling ill: paper

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who fell gravely ill on Thursday after what his allies believe was a poisoning, was under intense police surveillance in preceding days, a Russian tabloid newspaper cited law enforcement sources as saying. – FILE PHOTO: Medical specialists carry Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on a stretcher into an … Read more

Chinese scientists warn of possible new pandemic virus in pigs

SHANGHAI, June 30 (Reuters) – A new flu virus found in pigs in China has become more infectious to humans and should be closely watched in case it becomes a potential “pandemic virus,” a study said. Although experts said there is no imminent threat. – FILE PHOTO: Local workers collect a blood sample from a … Read more

Scientists are just beginning to understand many of the health problems caused by COVID-19

CHICAGO, Jun 26 (Reuters) – Scientists are just beginning to understand the serious dimension of the health problems caused by the coronavirus, some of which could have noticeable effects on patients for years, according to doctors and experts at the infectious disease. – FILE PHOTO. A health worker cares for a patient with coronavirus (COVID-19), … Read more

Coronavirus-Apple closes at new boutiques in the United States

BANGALORE, June 19 (Reuters) – Apple said Friday it closed again temporarily some of the shops in several States of the United States face a resurgence of cases of contamination by the new coronavirus. This decision is about a dozen shops spread out between Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Arizona. Has Wall Street, the … Read more

Russia launches newly approved covid-19 drug avifavir

– A medical specialist wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) takes care of a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the City Clinical Hospital Number 15 named after O. Filatov, which delivers treatment to people infected with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19 ), in Moscow, Russia May 25, 2020. Picture taken May 25, 2020. REUTERS … Read more