NASA Reassures Public: Probability of Asteroid Collision with Earth in 2024 is Extremely Low

NASA Reassures Public: Probability of Asteroid Collision with Earth in 2024 is Extremely Low

As early as November 2023, reports began to appear that an asteroid several hundred meters in size would hit Earth in 2024. Portal GB News he expanded the report on the basis of official NASA data, specifically from tables including the percentage probability of our planet colliding with some space body. The object 2007 FT3 … Read more

What Would Happen if the Earth Stopped Spinning Instantly: Experts Explain

What Would Happen if the Earth Stopped Spinning Instantly: Experts Explain

Bandung – The Earth rotates on its axis. However, have you ever imagined, if the Earth suddenly stopped rotating, what would happen? Collect detikInet from Science Alert, Tuesday (9/1/2024) the first thing that happens is of course that you will be thrown far to the east at a speed of around 1,673.72 km per hour. … Read more

First US Private Lunar Rover Launches with Vulcan Rocket from Florida

First US Private Lunar Rover Launches with Vulcan Rocket from Florida

CTK Updated 2 hours ago United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan rocket launched from Florida on Monday with a lunar module from Astrobotic Technology. It is the first US rover to attempt a lunar landing in more than 50 years, as well as the first privately owned lunar rover. Whether Astrobotic Technology will be the first private … Read more

The Position of the Solar System Within the Milky Way Galaxy

The Position of the Solar System Within the Milky Way Galaxy

The solar system is located between the two main arms of our galaxy. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is a huge collection of stars and other astronomical objects that we actually cannot see in its entirety. Because we are located inside this galaxy, and therefore scientists judge the appearance of the Milky Way by … Read more

Scientists Develop Nuclear Simulation Tool to Prevent Asteroid Impact on Earth

Scientists Develop Nuclear Simulation Tool to Prevent Asteroid Impact on Earth

Jakarta – Danger asteroid hit Earth Scientists continue to think about the anticipation. Most recently, a study in the United States carried out a simulation of the use of nuclear bombs to defend Earth from the impact of an asteroid disaster. Even though it sounds like a strategy from a science fiction film, the use … Read more

Space Exploration Missions to the Moon in 2024: NASA, China, and Japan Unveil Plans

Space Exploration Missions to the Moon in 2024: NASA, China, and Japan Unveil Plans

Wednesday, January 3 2024 – 13:03 WIB Jakarta – Two thousand two four will be an extraordinary year for space missions – especially to the Moon – Earth’s closest neighbor, and this is a continuation of last year’s mission. So, here is a list of space exploration missions that will launch this year, as reported … Read more

2024: A Year of Cosmic Phenomena

2024: A Year of Cosmic Phenomena

In the sky this year, people will see meteors from the “lost constellation” or the approach of Jupiter and Mars. The partial eclipse of the “big” Moon, which will occur in September, or the passage of a recently discovered comet around the Earth will also be well observable with the naked eye. The aurora borealis … Read more

Lost Asteroid FT3 Threatens to Hit Earth in 2024, NASA Warns of Potential Destruction

Lost Asteroid FT3 Threatens to Hit Earth in 2024, NASA Warns of Potential Destruction

agn | Insertlive Tuesday, 02 Jan 2024 11:30 IWST Spooky! Asteroid Estimated to Hit Earth in 2024, Could Destroy Continents/Photo: detikcom/NASA Jakarta, Insertlive – A lost asteroid named FT3 has been discovered. The asteroid disappeared from scientists’ observations for more than 10 years. After being discovered, news was revealed that there was a small possibility … Read more

NASA Reveals Return of Lost Asteroid FT3 with Potential to Hit Earth in 2030

NASA Reveals Return of Lost Asteroid FT3 with Potential to Hit Earth in 2030

Jakarta – An asteroid that disappeared from scientists’ observations more than a decade ago has returned. Although the possibility is small, the asteroid could hit Earth this year. NASA in a statement revealed the asteroid FT3, which was first discovered in 2007. However, scientists soon lost its flight path without knowing where it went. Following … Read more

What Would Happen if the Earth Suddenly Stopped Rotating? Find Out Here!

What Would Happen if the Earth Suddenly Stopped Rotating? Find Out Here!

Earth. What would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped rotating? Photo: Republika Doc REPUBLIKA KIDS — Hello Kids… For 24 hours, the earth we live on never stops spinning. The Earth rotates unchanged in the way the Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago. But Kids, have you ever imagined what would happen if the … Read more