The Position of the Solar System Within the Milky Way Galaxy

The Position of the Solar System Within the Milky Way Galaxy

The solar system is located between the two main arms of our galaxy. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is a huge collection of stars and other astronomical objects that we actually cannot see in its entirety. Because we are located inside this galaxy, and therefore scientists judge the appearance of the Milky Way by … Read more

Astronomers Confirm Discovery of Super-Jupiters and Mini-Neptunes Orbiting Sun-Like Stars

Astronomers Confirm Discovery of Super-Jupiters and Mini-Neptunes Orbiting Sun-Like Stars

According to the study, the discovered planets belong to the class of super-Jupiters and mini-Neptunes. The TESS space telescope continues to search for new planets located outside the solar system, that is, exoplanets. More than 5,000 of these objects are considered potential planets, but scientists need time to confirm this status. According to a study … Read more

The Incredible Distance Traveled by Every Person in Their Lifetime

The Incredible Distance Traveled by Every Person in Their Lifetime

Even if you do not like traveling and stay at home, you still travel much further than you might think. Any person on Earth, even if he stays motionless all his life at home, will still travel. So, what is the average distance a person can cover in his life? The answer depends on whether … Read more

Understanding the Origins and Composition of Interstellar Objects like Oumuamua

Understanding the Origins and Composition of Interstellar Objects like Oumuamua

Technology and science July 15, 2023 at 05:58 pm Photo: ESO | Where did the interstellar object Oumuamua fly into the solar system: scientists know the answer Most likely, Oumuamua came to us from a star system that is rich in heavy elements. Scientists believe that it is possible to find out the place of … Read more