“Will China be capable of discover the legendary goddess ‘Chang’e’?” ” [스프]

“Will China be capable of discover the legendary goddess ‘Chang’e’?”  ” [스프]

Offline – SBS Information Did you say, ‘Learn ten thousand books, stroll ten miles’? Zhuangzi’s nice chicken flew up 9 10,000 miles. It was ‘10,000 ri.’ essentially the most frequent two-character poetic phrase written by the poet Du Fu. The street of a thousand miles was an infinite subject of creativeness, however on the identical … Read more

Protecting Moon Sites: Astronomers Warn of Imminent Threats to Vital Space Research Locations

Protecting Moon Sites: Astronomers Warn of Imminent Threats to Vital Space Research Locations

Jakarta – Astronomers speak out about protecting sites on the Moon. The site is considered the best place in the Solar System and could house sophisticated instruments designed to reveal the secrets of the universe. Quoting from detikInet, the main location of the site on the Moon requested to be protected is free from ground … Read more

Space Exploration Missions to the Moon in 2024: NASA, China, and Japan Unveil Plans

Space Exploration Missions to the Moon in 2024: NASA, China, and Japan Unveil Plans

Wednesday, January 3 2024 – 13:03 WIB Jakarta – Two thousand two four will be an extraordinary year for space missions – especially to the Moon – Earth’s closest neighbor, and this is a continuation of last year’s mission. So, here is a list of space exploration missions that will launch this year, as reported … Read more

The Origin of the Moon and Its Impact on Earth’s Mantle Revealed in New Study

The Origin of the Moon and Its Impact on Earth’s Mantle Revealed in New Study

Jakarta – A study revealed that the remnants of the protoplanet that hit Earth and created the Moon may still be hiding deep in Earth’s mantle. The scientists’ study shows that this impact, which hit the newly formed Earth 4.5 billion years ago, is still present in the Earth’s mantle as two mysterious ‘blobs’ that … Read more

Moon Fragment Asteroid Kamo’oalewa: Evidence of Ancient Impacts and Origins

Moon Fragment Asteroid Kamo’oalewa: Evidence of Ancient Impacts and Origins

Jakarta – Astronomers are finding more evidence that asteroid near Earth is a chunk of the Moon that was ejected. Asteroid Kamo’oalewaderived from Hawaiian for oscillating fragment, is a chunk of rock that orbits within 14.4 million kilometers of Earth every April. Since the discovery of the object in 2016, scientists have remained confused about … Read more

Exploring the South Pole of the Moon: Potential Water Source and Future Missions

Exploring the South Pole of the Moon: Potential Water Source and Future Missions

JAKARTA – The big ambitions of scientists and global space agencies regarding space missions are not only about looking for opportunities for life other than on Earth. They are also competing to explore all corners of Earth’s natural satellite, namely the Moon. The first successful exploration of the Moon did not actually begin in 1969, … Read more

Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon Successfully Passes Critical Period in Earth Orbit

Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon Successfully Passes Critical Period in Earth Orbit

The Japanese lunar lander mission known as Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) has successfully passed its first critical period in Earth orbit. Photo/JAXA/Space TOKYO – Lunar lander mission Japan known as the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) has successfully passed the first critical period in Earth orbit. In this phase, all SLIM features, … Read more

Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ Mission: Precision Landing on the Moon’s Surface for Future Lunar Exploration

Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ Mission: Precision Landing on the Moon’s Surface for Future Lunar Exploration

Jakarta – Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ mission launches to land on the surface of the Moon with precision. While most Moon landings are designed to land within a few kilometers, this mission aims to land within just 100 meters of its target. A rocket carrying the Smart Lander for Investigating (SLIM) probe was successfully launched on … Read more

Chandrayaan-3 Mission: India’s Successful Moon Landing and Lunar Discoveries

Chandrayaan-3 Mission: India’s Successful Moon Landing and Lunar Discoveries

Jakarta – A few weeks ago, the Chandrayaan-3 lander and rover successfully landed on the surface of the Moon, making India the fourth country to successfully land on the Moon, and the first to land near the south pole. Since then, the mission, which aims to study the composition of the Moon’s soil, has detected … Read more