Dead Star’s Energy Explosion Leaves Scientists Stunned

Dead Star’s Energy Explosion Leaves Scientists Stunned

Amira Shehata wrote Saturday, October 7, 2023 04:00 AM The Earth was subjected to an energy explosion from a dead star so powerful that scientists cannot fully explain it. The intense gamma rays, which were detected using a large system of telescopes in Namibia, emanated from the star Vela Pulsar, about 1,000 light-years from Earth, … Read more

The weight of a dead star is calculated using Albert Einstein’s theory

Thursday, 9 February 2023 – 13:09 WIB LIVE Techno – Astronomers will take measurements of isolated white dwarfs or the gnarled husks of dead stars, using Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity decades ago. The findings confirm astronomers’ predictions about how massive white dwarfs can be and could help explain the strange and incredibly dense matter … Read more

The brightest rays appear far from Earth, suspected of a Black Death as large as 30 times the Sun. – Astronomers have found the brightest flash of light ever seen, from an event that occurred 2.4 billion light years from Earth and was probably triggered by the formation of a black hole. This gamma-ray burst, the most intense form of electromagnetic radiation, was first detected by an orbiting telescope on October 9, 2022, … Read more

Turns out this is how to find a planet orbiting a dead star

‘First of its kind’: Triple Star System Detected by Astronomers in Space / WION NEWS JAKARTA, The Universe has continuous celestial processes that are sometimes beyond our imagination and scientific understanding. As science advances, new techniques are developed and something previously unknown becomes clear. Now, because of research conducted at a university in Mexico, … Read more

Scientists Find Planets Orbiting Dead Stars

Scientists assume it’s possible that there are planets that can survive when the sun is destroyed. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Scientists announce the first discovery of an orbiting planet star dwarfs (dead stars). The findings suggest that some parts of the world in our solar system will likely survive the sun’s cataclysmic demise some five billion … Read more