The Health Benefits of Anise: Usage, Precautions, and Warnings

The Health Benefits of Anise: Usage, Precautions, and Warnings

Anise is an excellent herb with many benefits that is available in every home. No one knows about these benefits, and there are even people who do not prefer to eat it. Anise is used in drinks without knowing what important health benefits it brings to the body. This herb has a wonderful taste and … Read more

Causes and Symptoms of Numbness in the Extremities: Insights from a Cardiologist

Causes and Symptoms of Numbness in the Extremities: Insights from a Cardiologist

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Consultant cardiologist, Dr. Munawar Al-Enezi, said that numbness of the extremities is a common symptom that has nothing to do with heart disease. tingling feeling Al-Enezi indicated, during a tweet he posted on his Twitter account, that numbness is represented by a feeling of tingling or partial or complete loss of sensation. Fire … Read more