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HAPPY MAR10 DAY Event at Sha Tin Mario Check-in Hotspot Experience Zone – Details and Activities


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The annual “HAPPY MAR10 DAY” is coming again!Free trial at Sha Tin Mario Check-in Hotspot Experience Zone

| Yuan Yaokun | 11-03-2024 18:50 | |

Nintendo (Hong Kong) will hold an event called “HAPPY MAR10 DAY” at New Town Plaza in Sha Tin from now until March 17. The event will be set up in the experience area in the east wing of the first floor, providing a series of exciting activities such as a MAR10 DAY themed photography area, Mario series game trial experience, priority product sales, Mario meet-and-greets, and more!

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MAR10 DAY themed check-in space

There is a MAR10 DAY theme photography area in the main venue on the east wing of the first floor of New City Plaza, which provides three check-in spots, including MAR10 DAY special theme wall, Mario water pipe scene and special light box. Complete the “Nintendo Account Sign-in” task at the main venue, and you will also receive a “Mario-shaped small object storage pendant”.

Mario series game experience area

The main venue has a game trial experience area where you can try out various games for free, including the yet-to-be-released “Princess Peach Show!” ” and the already released “Mario vs. Donkey Kong”. There are also many games such as “Super Mario Bros. Amazing” and “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition”. After the trial, you will also have a chance to get a sticker.

At the same time, there is also a “Pikmin 4” game experience area on the second floor of New City Plaza Phase 3. In addition to experiencing “Pikmin 4”, you can also get free Pikmin paper hats.

HAPPY MAR10 DAY limited time store

The main venue will have a HAPPY MAR10 DAY pop-up store, which will feature a series of limited-edition Mario peripherals, including blanket sets, shaking tower toy sets, water bead sets, etc. The venue will also give priority to the sale of 4 Tomica Mariokart mini car models. Anyone who purchases a Mario series Tomica (any one) on-site will receive a “Tomica Mariokart Coin Set” as a gift. The “HAPPY MAR10 DAY Gift Set of Your Choice” was also launched at the same event. You can freely combine a game, a peripheral product and a pair of Joy-Con controllers of any color. You will also receive special bonuses “HAPPY MAR10 DAY Card” and ” ?Brick” shaped gift box.

Mario meet and greet

Mario Meet and Greet will be held at the main venue on March 15th (Friday) and March 16th (Saturday) at 3:00pm, 3:45pm and 4:30pm. Mario will personally go to the venue to meet and take photos with citizens at close range, and the main venue of the event will also distribute free Mario paper hats. In addition to the two venues, the conference has three “Mario Series Character Stamping Points” in the Play Park of LB Building in Phase 1 of New Town Plaza, the second floor of Phase 3 and the third floor of Phase 3. Go to the three stamping points Seal, you can exchange for a limited edition “HAPPY MAR10 DAY Keychain”!

“HAPPY MAR10 DAY” event details:

  • Date: From now to March 17 (Sunday)
  • Location: New Town Plaza (Central Street, Shatin, New Territories)
  • Time: 12 noon to 8 pm

“”Princess Peach Show Time!” Grand Opening Exhibition” event details:

  • Date: March 18 (Monday) to April 3 (Wednesday), 2024
  • Location: New Town Plaza (Central Street, Shatin, New Territories)

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