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Folk song and its multiple functions in Benghazi, Libya

Folk song plays an important role in Libyan society, as it is part of everyday life, and we find it everywhere: from the coast to the mountains to the depths of the desert, and on religious and national occasions, weddings and weddings, as well as in places of work and production and in children’s games.
This is the conclusion of an academic field study in “Cultural Anthropology” conducted by researcher Nadia Abdel-Fattah El-Bagouri, and published by the “Egyptian Book Authority” entitled “The function of folk song in the city of Benghazi, Libya” , where that song has turned into a tool for expressing collective emotions and emotions within society, is proof of emotional sharing between individuals. In the city of Benghazi, it represents an outlet for people in times of discomfort, a means of joy and fun, helping them to complete the hard work, and performs a psychological and social function, as it is the outlet for the individual and group. It sheds light on some of the changes in social, cultural, economic and political life.
The Libyan folk song is inspired by its themes from the spirit of the environment, so that it touches the life of society and the relationships of individuals, and reflects the taste of the group, its way of life and its values, in a lyrical framework.
Benghazi singers are distinguished by the strength of their bright and melodious voice, characterized by depth, warmth and release, and by the breadth of its vocal space, and this qualifies them to occupy an exceptional place among other singers; Because they express the sincerity of the feeling and the strength of the emotion that reflects the total integration during the performance of the lyric text.They are also distinguished by adjusting the rhythm and linking the melody.Each singer chooses songs suitable for the space and the layer of his voice, so there are many lyrical voices and different ways of performing the lyrics.
The researcher monitors a number of applied examples of Libyan folk singing, including the growling of babies during sleep:
“Makes your sleep more professional
Today, today … Today
And I have to sing
Nini Ni … Sleeping Jack
Your mother is a hut … and your book is a star. “

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