Why some people suffer more from the flu than others – Wel.nl

One is sick in bed for weeks, the other is back on its feet after a few days. For decades, scientists have been wondering how people can react differently to the same flu virus. Now there is an explanation. And no, it has little to do with resistance. Scientists from UCLA and the University of … Read more

“Canada is so boring …”: Madonna offers Prince Enrique and Meghan Markle his apartment in New York (VIDEO)

In a video posted on Instagram, the singer sends a message full of irony to the royal couple to reconsider their place of residence. – Since Prince Henry and Duchess Meghan Markle will announce who renounce their functions in the British monarchy, much has been said about the couple’s move to Canada. However, not everyone … Read more

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: “There are too many Fire Emblem characters” according to Masahiro Sakurai – News

Interviewed in the columns of the last Famitsu, Masahiro Sakurai, designer of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has made statements that have not gone unnoticed about some of the characters in his game. Many characters from the license Fire emblem have joined the arena of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate : Marth, Lucina, Roy, Chrom, Ike, Robin, … Read more

New York citizens banned from Global Entry and other programs by state law that grants undocumented driver’s licenses

Undocumented can drive with license in New York 3:09– (CNN) – The interim secretary of National Security announced Wednesday that New York State residents can no longer participate in certain Trusted Traveler Programs, including the one known as Global Entry, due to the provisions of the new “Green Light Law” of the state that supports … Read more

COLOMBIA – ‘Popeye’, hitman of Pablo Escobar, dies from esophageal cancer

The former hit man of the dejected head of the Medellín Cartel Pablo Escobar, Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, aka “Popeye,” died Thursday in a hospital in Bogotá due to stomach cancer, the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute of Colombia reported (Inpec ). “Popeye” was “hospitalized since December 31, 2019, and suffered from stomach cancer,” the … Read more

9 Asians arrested in two massage centers accused of indecent acts

The first prosecutor of Nasr City, headed by Counselor Mahmoud Salah, ordered the imprisonment of 9 Asians and 3 Egyptians for accusing them of setting up unlicensed health clubs and practicing immoral acts within two massage centers 4 days pending investigations in cases No. 5477,5478 for the year 2020 misdemeanor of Nasr City. The beginning … Read more

FC Barcelona: Dembélé operated on the thigh on February 11 in Finland – Foot – ESP – Barça

FC Barcelona announced in a statement on Thursday that their winger Ousmane Dembélé will be operated on February 11 in Finland for a rupture of the femoral bicep tendon in the right thigh. “A new medical press release will be issued at the end of the operation to give the approximate duration of his unavailability”, … Read more

Confirmed: these couples are participating in ‘Temptation Island’

Now that the bullet is through the church and ‘Temptation Island’ is definitely coming back on the tube, the Belgian channel VIJF is also announcing the participating couples. Will these four couples ‘Temptation Island’ 2020 survive? Christian (28) & Angela (26) The Flemish couple has been together for eight years, of which they have been … Read more

Buses for Post subsidiary for cheap wages

—– GAETAN BALLY — 2.2 Violation of the minimum wages for newspaper delivery: the Post subsidiary Epsilon in Geneva must therefore pay 180,000 francs in buses. (Icon) —- —- Epsilon had to pay the difference. This must be done retrospectively for the whole of 2019, as Postcom stated in its decision published on Thursday. The … Read more

Coronavirus. Experts question responsiveness in Portugal

The contingency plans have already been “activated and the new guidelines for health services and airports published”. However, publication in Acta Médica, Scientific Journal of the Medical Association, suggests that Portugal may not be prepared to face the coronavirusfrom the Chinese city of Wuhan. “We may not yet be prepared to respond to a suspected … Read more