How to keep your iPhone corona-free –

Apple always advised against cleaning your iPhone or iPad with cleaning products. But without reporting the text is below clean changed. According to Apple, it is safe to use 70 percent isopropanol alcohol wipes on hard, non-porous surfaces. These include screens, keyboards or other surfaces on the outside of a device. A study by The … Read more

According to Chinese scientists, there are two types of Covid-19 –

An important discovery by Chinese scientists in the fight against coronavirus: it is not about one, but two different types of Covid-19, as the virus is officially called. The one is much more aggressive in nature than the other. According to scientists from, among others, the University of Beijing, 70 percent of the samples examined … Read more

Irregular sleep rhythm causes cardiovascular disease –

A good night’s sleep from eleven to seven o’clock the next morning, for some it goes without saying, for others every night a challenge. Nevertheless, the irregular sleepers would do well to learn such a good sleep rhythm. It is not so much about the specific hour, the most important thing is that you crawl … Read more

5 myths disproved about the corona virus –

In the Netherlands, we don’t seem to be so worried about the corona virus. Probably things will not go so fast, we think soberly. It’s just a sort of flu, is one of the rumors that is circulating. Yet that is not entirely true. And there are more myths to disprove about Covid-19. It’s just … Read more

Women’s health is deteriorating faster than that of men –

Women live healthier lives and they get older. As a result, an important point is often overlooked: women live much longer than men in poor health. Trouw writes about this. Researcher Lena Sialino of the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam explains that women up to forty years old perform the same as men on physical … Read more

Can you prevent dementia by living healthier? –

The chance is one in five that someone ever gets dementia in his life. A quarter of people over the age of eighty are affected by the disease. It is the fastest growing cause of death in the Netherlands, according to figures from Alzheimer Nederland. A few more facts: one in three women gets dementia, … Read more

When the virus pops up in Africa, the fence of the dam is –

The chief of the WHO World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is very concerned about the way the coronavirus is spreading in recent days: without a clear link with a previous carrier or an infected region. It seems that someone who has no symptoms However can transmit the virus. If the disease reaches Africa, the … Read more

If he fails, sea level may rise half a meter –

If the Thwaites glacier collapses in western Antarctica, the sea level can rise 65 centimeters. And according to scientists, the ice mass with the hair-raising nickname Doomsday Glacier is becoming increasingly unstable. The researchers were able to study the bottom of the glacier for the first time when the sea around it was free of … Read more

Up to 90 percent more chance of cancer if you had more than 10 bed partners –

Anyone who has had a wild time between the sheets might just be a lot more likely to get cancer. A British study shows that women who have had more than ten bed partners in their lives are up to 91 percent more at risk for the disease. The researchers at Anglia Ruskin University studied … Read more

Too little sleep causes psychological symptoms in children –

Children need a lot of sleep, not only to be fit and rested, but also because they are much more likely to have all kinds of psychological problems. This appears from new research that appeared in the journal “Molecular Psychiatry”. Scientists from the University of Warwick compared the sleep duration of around 11,000 children between … Read more