After robot cars, Uber is also selling air taxi project

– Uber The driving service broker also saves on another division. – (Photo: Reuters) – – – – San Francisco Uber just one day after his robot cars also sold his air taxi project. The Uber Elevate division will be taken over by the flight technology developer Joby, as the companies announced on Wednesday night. … Read more

UWV: Uber was not allowed to collectively fire two hundred employees | NOW

The company behind taxi app Uber is not allowed to fire 225 employees at the international headquarters in Amsterdam. The UWV has decided that, the FNV union confirms after reporting by NRC. For the majority of the employees, the verdict comes too late: they would have already left under pressure. The American company was dismissed … Read more

Ghent ships of Mobility about Ubers in Ghent: ‘City will …

From Monday, November 9, Uber cars will also be driving around Ghent. The transport world fears the death knell of the classic taxi sector, and the Ghent ships of Mobility Filip Watteeuw (Groen) also fear a real taxi war. “We don’t have many weapons to protect the regular taxis.” – From Monday, the residents of … Read more

United States. In California, Uber won its race

Joe Biden wasn’t the only winner Tuesday, November 3, in California. For Uber, Lyft and others of the gig economy (economy to the task), it was also the day of electoral victory in this state, cradle of Silicon Valley. At 58%, Californians approved by referendum “Proposition 22” formulated by these digital giants to keep their … Read more

Autonomous Uber security conductor who killed woman accused of murder

The trial of Rafaela Vasquez, who was still distracted in the autonomous Uber that mortally hit Elaine Herzberg in 2018, is scheduled for February 2021. Authorities concluded that the accident involved human error. The safety driver of the Uber autonomous car who, in March 2018, mortally ran over a 49-year-old American woman is accused of … Read more

Lyft quits in California after driver rights lawsuit

Taxi app company Lyft will stop offering taxi rides in the US state of California at midnight on Thursday. It reports that company Thursday. Lyft does not want to hire drivers, as a California judge ordered the company and rival Uber last week. According to Lyft, it was not possible to change the business model … Read more