Free Vaccine Schedule 6-14 September 2021 in Bandung City, Some Use AstraZeneca and Moderna

PEOPLE’S MIND – The Covid-19 free vaccine program is back in Bandung in September 2021. It was noted that several parties held this program in order to accelerate the process of group immunity (herd immunity). All of these vaccine programs have started today, Monday 6 September 2021. Not only from the government, this free vaccine … Read more

TODAY newspaper | COVID Vaccine: Which is the Most Effective?

Immunologists Carmen Álvarez, from the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and Africa González, from the University of Vigo, clarify to Efe some doubts that may arise about the effectiveness of vaccines against the coronavirus. 1.- What do we mean when we talk about the effectiveness of vaccines? Effectiveness indicates protection against death and serious … Read more

Brazil suspends 12 million doses of illegal Sinovac vaccine

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Health regulator Brazil, Anvisa, suspended the use of more than 12 million doses of the developed Covid-19 vaccine Sinovac Biotech, Ltd, China produced in illegal factories. In a statement, Saturday (4/9) local time, Anvisa said it received a warning on Friday (3/9) by the Butantan Institute, a biomedical institution that is … Read more

Choosing the Best Vaccine from Sinovac, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer, to AstraZeneca, This is Dr. Dirga’s explanation

LUMJANG NEWS The government is currently vaccinating Covid-19 in various regions. People who want to vaccinate can also look for location points vaccine Covid-19 in the area closest to where he lives. At some point location vaccine in various regions, registration to get vaccine Covid-19 can be done online to reduce the crowd when registering … Read more

Covid vaccines: Government confirms arrival of Sinovac, but not of Moderna – Government – Politics

Given the lack of availability of some vaccines in the country, Víctor Muñoz, director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre), gave a piece of reassurance and confirmed the arrival dates of more biologicals to the country. (Can read: My purpose is not to prevent the arrival of someone: Gaviria on aspiration) Thus, according … Read more

23-28 August 2021, Telkomsel Gives Free Vaccination, Here’s How To Join

loading… This vaccination service targets 3,500 participants for the AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines. Photo: Telkomsel dock JAKARTA – You haven’t vaccinated? Please try to join Telkomsel’s free vaccine service and and Halodoc. Telkomsel presents a free Covid-19 vaccination service post with AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines. Valid for all Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have an Identity … Read more

Young man rejects the Sinovac vaccine because it did not reach Pfizer – Noticieros Televisa

In social networks the video of an 18-year-old girl who chose not to get vaccinated against it went viral covid because the doses of Pfizer in the Xochimilco mayor’s office. Given the possibility of being vaccinated with Sinovac, made the decision to wait. Read also: 9-year-old girl dies of COVID-19 in Sonora: “I will miss … Read more

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine told after which vaccinations a COVID certificate is issued

As the Ministry of Health emphasized, there are two versions of the COVID certificate – “internal” (for use within Ukraine) and “international” (for travel to EU countries or states with which an agreement has been concluded on the mutual recognition of these documents). The European Union has officially recognized that Ukrainian COVID certificates in the … Read more

The ghost vaccine: they denounce that the second and third doses of Coronavac were not registered for a woman | National

During this week, the family of an 81-year-old woman made known the situation she is experiencing upon learning that her vaccination schedule against COVID-19 has not been registered on the platforms of the Ministry of Health. Even the affected one has already received the booster dose or third dose, however, this still does not appear … Read more

Doctor Adam Prabata Shares Chinese Research, Calls Sinovac and Sinopharm Effective Against the Delta Variant

EAST JAVA MEDIA – UI Faculty of Medicine alumni, Doctor Adam Prabata said that the research conducted by China managed to prove that Covid-19 vaccine type Sinovac and Sinopharm effective against the Delta variant. Adam mentioned two studies that both examined the effect and level of effectiveness of vaccines from inactivated viruses on the level … Read more