The Rise and Fall of Russian Singer Sergei Lazarev: From Public Favorite to Disgrace

A former favorite of the Russian public, singer Sergei Lazarev fell into disgrace after he openly condemned the Kremlin’s decision to attack Ukraine. At the beginning of Putin’s so-called “SVO”, Russian singer Sergei Lazarev thought too well of his compatriots, calculating that the majority of sensible people would not support the war. Because of this, … Read more

how did the Sergei Lazarev concert in Odessa go

how did the Sergei Lazarev concert in Odessa go

Sergey Lazarev rarely enters into scandals and, apparently, does not have a violent character. But colleagues tell a completely different story about him. From 2000 to 2004 the young singer performed in Smash !! with Vlad Topalov and the people who worked with him remember this time with horror. Lazarev regularly threw away so that … Read more

what is identified about the clash among Lazarev and the renowned singer

what is identified about the clash among Lazarev and the renowned singer

Sergei Lazarev yelled at the well-known singer. With a crowd of people and cameras on. He was on the set of the common present “Come on, all together!”. Lazarev and Sasha Gradiva ended up neighbors of the jury in the 3rd period of the application. And at a person position, the singer behaved really wildly. … Read more

Only Malakhov did not touch: Shakhnazarov named the names of homosexual stars

Only Malakhov did not touch: Shakhnazarov named the names of homosexual stars

Finally, the Russians will be able to find out exactly which of the artists adheres to traditional views, and who is gay. Karen Shakhnazarov was so outraged that Philip Kirkorov stood up for Maxim Galkin that he decided to arrange a forced coming-out for the rest. The publicist said that all these favorites of Russians … Read more

The first went: rashist Lazarev complained about problems with earnings due to sanctions

The first went: rashist Lazarev complained about problems with earnings due to sanctions

Sergei Lazarev made a confession that many Putin stars hesitate to make – Sergey Lazarev complained that labels are leaving Russia / Photo: Screenshot from YouTube – Until recently, Sergey Lazarev spoke out against the war in Ukraine, but then he was afraid for his career in Russia and retracted his words. And in order … Read more

Buzova leaked footage of Lazarev with another man to the Network

Buzova leaked footage of Lazarev with another man to the Network

Rumors about the unconventional orientation of Sergei Lazarev appear with enviable regularity. Fortunately, the artist himself gives a reason. So, despite the recent scandal, the musician came to the concert in the Kremlin in a strange company. This time not with Malinovsky, but with Mikhail Dvoretsky. Sergey Lazarev was sitting next to his concert director … Read more

“I love Russia”. Ani Lorak’s friend, singer Lazarev, returned to Instagram and spoke about “anger and Russophobia”

“I love Russia”.  Ani Lorak’s friend, singer Lazarev, returned to Instagram and spoke about “anger and Russophobia”

The article, a screenshot of which was posted by Lazarev, allegedly cites his statement “I am leaving the Russian Federation because I do not want to be hated everywhere because of Russia’s antics in Ukraine.” Lazarev stated that he did not say these words. “I’m Russian! And I’ve never been ashamed of it! I sincerely … Read more

Sergei Lazarev denied words in support of Ukraine due to criticism – UNIAN

Sergei Lazarev denied words in support of Ukraine due to criticism – UNIAN

Lazarev also said that he is a Russian and loves his country. Sergey Lazarev / – Russian artist Sergey Lazarev published a post on February 24 with the words “No to war”, but later deleted it. Now he has denied his words in support of Ukraine and said that he is proud to be … Read more

Sergey Lazarev, who spoke about the war in Ukraine, is forced to move his show to Russia: I lost a lot

Sergey Lazarev, who spoke about the war in Ukraine, is forced to move his show to Russia: I lost a lot

The Russian singer, after making loud statements against the war in Ukraine, did not make any public statements for a long time, but on his birthday he broke the silence – – Singer Sergey Lazarev was one of the first to voice his position against the war in Ukraine. For this Russian the artist was … Read more