Scholz involved in a sex scandal in Germany

German police are investigating signals made by several women after an event organized by the parliamentary group of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s party, AP reported. They felt dizzy during the event and believe they were forcibly drugged. Their memories are lost for hours. The police ordered blood test for analysis of possible toxic substances. The women … Read more

At a party with the participation of Scholz, women were drugged – media

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz – – The Berlin criminal police launched an investigation “on the fact of infliction of dangerous bodily harm,” the material says. In Germany, several women were drugged with the so-called “rape drug” at a party of the deputy group of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), which was attended by German Chancellor … Read more

At a party with Scholz, women were drugged with “date rape drug” – DW

Germany’s Social Democrats are investigating reports of eight women suffering from some kind of “knockout” substance similar to Rohypnol at the party’s summer convention earlier this week. – The German chancellor was also present at the corresponding internal party on July 6 Olaf Scholz. About it informs DW. Thus, the SPD believes that eight women … Read more

Former rival Navratilova spoke: A WTA member harassed me sexually

In the tennis world, the statement of today’s 57-year-old former tennis player Andrey Jaegerová, who told the Independent newspaper that she faced sexual harassment by a WTA employee, caused a great stir. – “I have had at least 30 incidents with an unnamed WTA employee, physical experiments in the locker room, very early in my … Read more

PSG is opening a new store… in New York!

Paris Saint-Germain continues to export! The club announces this Monday, March 7, in a press release, the forthcoming opening of a brand new boutique… in New York! It is the second brand to open in the United States for the Parisian club, but the very first of a foreign club in this city. – In … Read more

Dzhigurda revealed new details of Panin’s personal life (video)

Aleksey Panin, who left the country, has his own defender in Russia. Nikita Dzhigurda, without hesitation, revealed his truth about the viral video of an actor with a dog, which not in the best way “glorified” him on the Internet. The outrageous singer admitted that the artist was simply framed, wanting to break his life. … Read more

Petkov’s man with an ugly attack on Slavi Trifonov, accused him of …

This week the budget enters the first reading in the hall. I am optimistic about the budget, especially since the ITN said that they will support it at first reading. The big question is what will happen between the two readings. The problem is whether the ITN colleagues will be involved in this sabotage of … Read more

Toshko Yordanov turned the pancake over, revealed what a disgusting thing he had to do with Petkov

“We do not lend a hand to GERB and MRF. We argued with the PP only on foreign policy. The BNB was not something that would turn the trolley, while we said for Macedonia that it could happen,” Toshko, chairman of the ITN General Assembly, told Darik. Yordanov. “The PP does not jump on GERB … Read more

Index – Sports – Unveiling: UEFA chief man may be behind BL final scandal

Steve Frosdick, an experienced English stadium security expert – a former police officer who has been specializing in football stadium security for thirty years – worked as a UEFA consultant until February. Frosdick served the European Alliance for eleven years, but became increasingly dissatisfied with the way things turned out. Alexander Cheferinthe Slovenian president of … Read more

the wife of a famous actor will go to jail for attacking Channel One employees

The story has been going on since 2021. Then the journalists wanted to find out why the dog of the couple Policeman attacked a neighbor. An employee of Channel One, Lilia Fedorova, filmed the beatings after this conversation. The video appeared on the YouTube channel “Climb”on which you can hear how the artist’s wife screams … Read more