New e-scooters for Vienna: Lime renews its fleet – e-mobility

3.03.2020 05:00 (Act. 3.03.2020 05:00) – – – Lime relies on an improved fleet in Vienna, which also offers more security © LIME – – – The world’s leading e-scooter provider Lime wants to offer Austrian users a better and safer driving experience – and is therefore bringing new vehicles to the federal capital. “We … Read more

Stiftung Warentest sees many shortcomings in popular WLAN routers

Stiftung Warentest has tested eight WLAN routers for the latest print edition, which are available and widely available in Germany. There is also a cable router – it runs out of competition. The Berlin manufacturer AVM is doing very well. The judgment of the Stiftung Warentest in the WLAN router comparison 2020 is mixed. The … Read more

Security and immigration, still no agreement on changes to Salvini decrees Optimistic Democratic Party: “Not great distances”

February 17, 2020 9:15 pm However, the intention would still be to change the measures. Satisfied Better (Iv): “We asked for the revision of the agreements signed with Libya and that fines for NGOs be eliminated” “We give a positive opinion of the meeting – stressed Mauri – we have made progress and shared some … Read more

Bluetooth can be dangerous for smartphones

Radio interfaces should be switched off when they are not needed. Not only to save energy on mobile devices, but because they are always a potential target. Owners of Android smartphones and tablets should currently use the Bluetooth radio of their devices with particular care. Because in many of these phones and tablets there is … Read more

25 arrests in martyrdom police chief investigation

The FETÖ trail was found in the murder of Rize Police Chief Altuğ Verdi, who was martyred in December 2018 as a result of the works carried out under the coordination of MİT Istanbul Regional Directorate, Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Department and Intelligence Department. DOCTOR, TEACHER, NEWS AGENCY EMPLOYEE The button was pressed at 06.00 … Read more

WhatsApp vulnerability allows access to local data – desktop users affected

A security hole in the WhatsApp desktop application can be exploited in conjunction with the iOS version of the messenger to steal data. Users are advised to update quickly. The Whatsapp-Mutterkonzern Facebook has pointed out a security vulnerability in his messenger after it was closed in the currently available program versions. Are affected iPhone-Users who … Read more

SEF fails asylum to Moroccans in December and deters new illegal route, but evaluates newcomers’ request

The decision has not yet been released by the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF), but the DN confirmed with a source that it is following the process that the Asylum and Refugees Office (GAR), which issues technical and reasoned opinions, considered “inadmissible. “, given the legal criteria in force, the granting of asylum to eight … Read more

Experts warn of a wave of Trojans in Germany

With the help of Trojans, criminals keep trying to get sensitive information about their victims. Experts are now warning of dangerous malware that has been increasingly sighted in Germany. Experts are currently warning of one Trojans-Wave with the malicious software Ursnif. That report the “Internet Storm Center “and media such as” heise online “. The … Read more

Drug response from the provincial police chief!

Zonguldak Provincial Police Department Narcotics Crimes Branch Directorate of drug operation was done by teams. 700 grams bonzai operation, precision scales and 5 thousand TL were seized. After the operation, Provincial Police Director Metin Turanlı shared the photo of the drugs sold in front of the university and wrote: * Let the world go down … Read more

It’s the fog in the Tagus that has been making a ship honk all night long | Lisbon

The new year began with complaints from those who live near the Tagus River, near the center of Lisbon: there was a ship honking at night, not letting them sleep. After all, it is a preventive measure, provided for in an international regulation that recommends the use of sirens in cases of poor visibility – … Read more