At the Met Opera in New York, the orchestra, teams and audience will need to be vaccinated

At the Met Opera in New York, the orchestra, teams and audience will need to be vaccinated

The prestigious Metropolitan Opera in New York, closed since March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, announced on Tuesday that it would ask the public and all its technical and musical teams to be vaccinated for the start of the next season, scheduled in September. “The Met will be a fully vaccinated home. The public … Read more

Without a mask on a motorcycle: Bolsonaro collects another fine

Without a mask on a motorcycle: Bolsonaro collects another fine

Saturday June 12th 2021 Without a mask on a motorcycle Bolsonaro receives another fine – Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, President Bolsonaro has played down the virus – even though Brazil is one of the worst hit by it. Now he is caught in the midst of thousands of people at a motorcycle … Read more

Controls at Easter in Dortmund

Controls at Easter in Dortmund

Excluding preschool children So one must Mouth and nose covering between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. be worn on Phoenix See, Westpark, Fredenbaumpark, Rombergpark, Hoeschpark and Revierpark Wischlingen. The mask requirement applies not for preschool children and people who are out no mask for medical reasons allowed to wear. However, these must be provided upon … Read more

Baden-Württemberg: Ministry: Corona protective masks from state supplies partly inadequate – Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg: Ministry: Corona protective masks from state supplies partly inadequate – Baden-Württemberg

From red / dpa / lsw February 05, 2021 – 9:14 p.m. FFP2 masks should not have met the requirements for corona protection. (Symbol image) Photo: LICHTGUT / Leif Piechowski In a quality check of the corona protective masks in the country’s inventory, not all models met the requirements. The bodies supplied – such as … Read more

Corona in Lower Saxony: Fixed price for FFP2 masks? | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Corona in Lower Saxony: Fixed price for FFP2 masks?  | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: January 21, 2021 6:41 p.m. The tightening of the mask requirement decided by the federal and state governments has led to a discussion in Lower Saxony about fair prices for so-called FFP2 masks. The general practitioner association is demanding a set price to prevent exorbitant prices for FFP2 and medical surgical masks. The association … Read more

Corona in Krefeld: Free FFP2 masks: This is how day 1 went

Corona in Krefeld: Free FFP2 masks: This is how day 1 went

December 15, 2020 at 9:25 pm Paid content: That’s how day 1 went : Free FFP2 masks: Large crowds in Krefeld too – – Waiting patiently in front of a pharmacy on Rheinstrasse. Photo: Andreas Bischof – – Krefeld People from corona risk groups can get free FFP2 masks. The rush in front of the … Read more

The federal government is planning a national health reserve at 19 locations

The federal government is planning a national health reserve at 19 locations

Future emergencies Berlin (dpa) – As a consequence of the Corona crisis, the federal government wants to build a national health reserve with important material such as protective masks at 19 locations in Germany. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) told the German Press Agency: “This pandemic teaches us that we have to take more precautions.” … Read more

Prison threatens quickly worldwide: These are the most drastic corona penalties

Prison threatens quickly worldwide: These are the most drastic corona penalties

Singing, cleaning services or even lashing with a stick – some countries punish violations of corona requirements harshly and sometimes curiously. European nations are also pulling the reins. German fines, on the other hand, seem comparatively harmless. In the middle of the footpath, a man kneels and spreads his hands on the pebble-covered floor. Then … Read more

How long do viruses stay in masks?

How long do viruses stay in masks?

Is my mask safe? Can families meet despite Corona? In a second “Ask Me” episode, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit provides answers to reader questions about the risk of infection. How do I properly protect myself in the Corona crisis? Even after the initial easing, this question still concerns many people. The concerns of readers range from … Read more

Schmidt-Chanasit answers questions about the risk of infection

How long do viruses stay in masks?

Is my mask safe? Can families meet despite Corona? In a second “Ask Me” episode, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit provides answers to reader questions about the risk of infection. How do I properly protect myself in the Corona crisis? Even after the initial easing, this question still concerns many people. The concerns of readers range from … Read more