Seriously overweight people vaccinated | 1Limburg

Limburgers who are seriously overweight and a few other groups have been vaccinated against corona since Saturday. This is also the case at a general practice in Beringe. – People with a BMI (Body Mass Index) higher than 40, people of 63 and 64 years old and people with Down’s syndrome (older than 18) were … Read more

5 feelings that cause overeating and lead to weight gain

Weight gain is a complex process, influenced by a number of different factors and hormones are one of them.Sometimes these hormones directly interfere with the process of gaining weight, such as leptin, while at other times they trigger our emotions, which causes us to eat more than we ultimately increase And she notes that when … Read more

Health: Being overweight after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer

The Ministry of Health and Population said that being overweight is one of the most dangerous factors and working to increase the risk of many diseases. The Ministry of Health and Population explained that weight gain after menstruation increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer because body fat affects the level of hormones. And the … Read more

Health reveals 4 ways to prevent obesity and overweight

The Ministry of Health and Population revealed 4 guidelines to prevent overweight and obesity, the first of which is to reduce foods that contain high levels of fats and sugars, and the second is to walk daily for 10 minutes 5 days a week with drinking water a lot as an alternative to sugary drinks … Read more

10 simple ways to cut back on your thousands of calories per week

6:00 pm Friday 09 October 2020 – I wrote – Shaima Morsi: One of the problems that causes gaining more weight is getting too many calories. But there are several ways in which you can reduce your intake of thousands of calories per week, according to “healthline” and “eatthis”. 1- Eat pistachios: It will help … Read more