Coronavirus. In Europe, returns to the school in a disorganized manner

Re-opening partial or total, for some, closure is maintained until the start of the school for others : at a time when France is about to re-open widely his schools this Monday, the situations are very contrasting with its neighbours. The most european countries have closed their schools in march at the beginning of the … Read more

Domestic violence: hiccups around the protection order

The government wants to facilitate the use of the protection order, a mechanism to combat violence against women. However, a recent decree complicates the process. Counter productive , even judge associations and specialized lawyers. Explanations. A protection order is …? A procedure requested by a woman victim of domestic violence to a family judge who … Read more

Berlin Neukölln: riot over George Floyd’s death, according to the letter of confession

Swath of Desolation Letter of confession: riot in Neukölln over the death of Floyd – A letter of confession cited George Floyd’s death as the reason for the riots. State security is looking for witnesses. – Around 50 people rioted in Berlin-Neukölln late Friday evening. The group had moved from Richardstrasse via Karl-Marx-Strasse to Neukölln … Read more

Death of George Floyd. Donald Trump takes a risk by militarizing policing

By threatening to deploy thousands of heavily armed soldiers and police in Washington DC to end in riots and looting, Donald trump put the’Embarrassed American military institution. The Pentagon is clearly seeking to distance itself from the American president after the controversial remarks of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the deployment of military reinforcements around … Read more

security forces call to stay away from the scene (photos)

Posted on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 12:57 p.m. By Sudinfo — Significant smoke emanates from the nuclear power plant, making the fire visible from a distance. – – A major fire broke out this Thursday morning at the Dodewaard nuclear power plant in the Netherlands. Rescue services are mobilized en masse on the spot. … Read more

the American laboratory Moderna urges Europe to order its vaccine with encouraging encouraging results

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 9:22 p.m. By Sudinfo with Belga — The US biotechnology company Moderna, which has announced encouraging results for its experimental vaccine against the new coronavirus, on Tuesday called on European states to order quickly, with delivery times varying “from 6 to 9 months”. – – “Where I need … Read more

Fatal accident in Berlin: cyclists overrun by trucks and killed

Deadly accident Cyclists run over by trucks and killed – vigil – In Berlin-Hohenschönhausen, a truck driver caught and ran over a cyclist when he turned right – he died at the scene of the accident. – Photo: Thomas Peise – A cyclist was run over and killed by a truck in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. The accident … Read more

a little girl aboard her racing car arrested by the police in Brussels (video)

Posted on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 9:55 p.m.— This scene filmed by a dad has something to crack all of Belgium! – – This Thursday, May 14, a father from Brussels filmed a scene that melted the canvas. While her little daughter was riding in her electric cart, she was stopped by the police. … Read more

Confinement. Associations denounce “discriminatory” checks on the security forces

Of police did they carry out “discriminatory” checks during the confinement ? This is in any case what a dozen associations denounce in an open letter published on Wednesday May 13 in which they notably ask the authorities “Concrete actions to put an end to these unacceptable practices”, after “Racist behavior by police” and of … Read more

Rip off: Fraudsters are up to mischief on Amazon

Updated May 11, 2020, 2:19 p.m. Several Swiss have been victims of fraudsters who set up Amazon accounts in foreign names and request payments. However, those affected do not know anything about an order. You can find more current news here Several cases of fraud have occurred in Switzerland: As SRF reports, those affected have … Read more